FIC: Thoughts and Remembrance Fitted

Oct 19, 2007 23:23

Title: Thoughts and Remembrance Fitted (Rec this?)
Author: Mhari
Fandom: Firefly, mainly
Characters: River, Simon
Rating: PG
Words: 100
Disclaimer: Playing with Joss's toys. Only the words are mine.
Summary: A scene is rewritten.
Notes/Warnings: This has probably been done somewhere, now that I think of it, but tiamatschild made a comment and it SEIZED me.

"Rosmarinus officinalis," River says absent-mindedly. She's sitting on the bed, sorting a collection of surgical instruments, silverware, screwdrivers, and hair ornaments by sizes. "Shhh, I'm concentrating."

"River, you can't--"

"Foeniculum vulgare, Aquilegia, Ruta graveolens. I have samples," she explains. "Viola tricolor; Viola odorata is extinct. The habitat was destroyed."

He's only half listening. Somehow he's going to have to return all this. The sight of sharp blades in her hands while she talks idly of destruction gives him chills, although probably-- surely--

"I won't hurt myself."

He looks up.

"I didn't touch the water," River says softly, earnestly. "You intervened."

character: river, fandom: firefly, character: simon, category: drabble, category: gen

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