May 19, 2006 20:51
hi all.
a gorilla walks into a bar, he goes up to the bartender and asks for a martini. the bartender is amazed with the intelegence of the gorilla and goes to make the drink. he turns back around to see the gorilla holding out a twenty. the bartender wants to see just how inteligent the gorilla realy is, so he only gives him a dollar change. the gorilla takes the dollar and sits to drink his martini. the bartender eventually says to him, "so, don't get many gorillas in here." he turns to the bartender and says, "at nineteen dollars a drink, i'm not suprised."
i have no idea why i've been posting all these jokes lately.
just got killzone for ps2, dude, that game is awsome.
hey, jason, have you ever heard of a short lived comic book,published by dark horse, called the black pearl? it was made in the early ninties and was written by mark hamill. i mention it because i found a few copies of the collected edition on amazon, and thought you'd be interested.
la dee da, la dee da, ...
la dee da
long days and plesant nights