Jan 31, 2006 19:17
hi all.
i like that line. good song too, silver bullet by hawthorne heights.
everyboby keeps saying that underworld is good, i need to see it. hell, i just need to get out of the house.
i'm up to season 5 of csi, next i'm on to csi: miami.
after carefull concideration, i've decided that it's in my best interest to come for the convention in june (i can't remember the name). it's the one in ritchmond... or is it raleigh? it's up there, it's in june, and i'm going, that's all i need to know right now, i'll worry about the rest of that crap later. :P
if a guy from the dominican republic moves here and votes for bush, does that make him a dominican republican?
think about it.
long days and plesant nights