I’m working on my resume and cover letter for Dream Job and all I have so far is the decision to not re-work a past cover letter, but start from scratch.
So I have a blank piece of paper.
Anyway here’s my resume of Things They Didn’t Ask For:
- Very seldom cries in the office
- Able to calmy teach people things they should be able to figure out by googling it
- Is nice
- Maintains good relationships with the IT guys (a vastly under-practiced skill at my workplace)
- Makes coffee when the pot is empty and puts dirty mugs in dishwasher
- Has been on campus for twenty-one years so knows a lot of people and stuff
- Hasn’t made a single mortal enemy on campus in seventeen years
- Perfect driving abstract
- My mom thinks I’m smart
And The One Thing They Did
- Tells really good stories
We'll see where this goes :/
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http://mhalachai.dreamwidth.org/335097.html. There are currently