In today’s vehicular adventures, we had a bad storm over the weekend and when I drove to work this morning, a suspicious splish-splosh sounded from the driver’s side door. I of course was not thrilled by the prospect of a trip to the mechanic, so after some scattered internet research, I learned that vehicle doors should have a drainage hole in the bottom of them to (wait for it) allow for proper drainage, and that sometimes the hole can get plugged with stuff. So I get home, sloshing the whole way, and still wearing my work clothes set about trying to find this blasted thing in between having to close the door for the passing traffic (I park on a narrow lane).
So I find the drainage hole. Which was plugged with a little plastic doohicky (probably from the factory days).
And I pulled the plug out.
After watching gallons of water pour out of my truck door, I picked up my purse, closed the door, and came upstairs to wash ick off my hands.
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