blogging in November Day 14 - fandom crushes and Sebastian Stan picspam

Nov 14, 2013 17:58

Write about your first fandom crush(es). (Post a picture of them if you can!)

This certainly goes back a ways. Like, honestly first? Julia/Danziger on Earth2. I know how weird that sounds, but hey, unconventional OTPs are my thing. The other OTP was Sam/Jack in Profiler, in an odd way. I spent a year convinced that the best plot device ever would be that Sam (a profiler with the FBI) was actually Jack, the serial killer she was chasing. Really, the entire first season makes so much sense when viewed through that lens.

Wait. … I misread that header. But hey, that stuff is too fun to delete and a bit of a look too far into my psyche.

Back to fandom crushes. Um. The first fandom crush I can remember was Wesley Crusher on Star Trek: Next Generation, because it was 1987 and I was seven.

Over the years, I haven’t tended to have a lot of crushes, per say… I prefer to find a strong POV character to identify with. Like, in the last ten years, my main POVs are usually strong loner types who find a family against all odds, goshdarnit.

Don’t believe me?
  • Anita Blake.
  • John Sheppard.
  • Natasha Romanoff.
  • Ziva David.
(oh god that would be the best strike team EVER)

My only real fandom crush at the moment, as in let me stop everything and look at publicity photos from four years ago you little sweetie, is Sebastian Stan. Look at this cutie.

Don't smoke Sebastian Stan

Black Tie Sebastian Stan

Some dude photobombing Sebastian Stan

A rather wet Sebastian Stan

Some guy and Sebastian Stan

Confused Eye Test Sebastian Stan

nanoblogmo, embarrassing myself on the internet

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