In this chapter: This is it. This is where everything falls apart. We see the fall-out of the Winter Soldier’s returning memory, and the Goa’uld finally reveals itself.
(in other words, a 12,000+ word chapter that ends in one hell of a cliffhanger)
(the next chapter next Saturday)
Chapter 11 in Widow Maker (11/13)An Avengers/Stargate story
mhalachaiswordsSummary: A storm is brewing over New York, and the fate of the Avengers, Stargate Command, and the entire galaxy lies in the balance. Now Natasha Romanoff must face her oldest friend and deadliest enemy - the Winter Soldier.
Rating: M (14+) for sexual themes, violence.
Characters: Natasha Romanoff, John Sheppard, the Winter Soldier, the Avengers, SG-1.
Due to the length of this chapter, and the maturity level of the story, I'm posting it at
AO3. Feel free to comment here!
All stories in the
Widow's Tales