Children and their Fathers: A Doctor Who theory post before the season finale

Sep 25, 2011 17:40

I'm delurking here today to talk about the anvils Moffat has been lobbing at us all season. Namely, Dads.

Cut for spoilers for all the episodes that have aired up until now in season 6 of Doctor Who. No spoilers for next week - let's keep it that way!

First, the history of dads on Doctor Who: In the RTD years, we were relatively dad-free. Rose's father died when she was a kid, Martha's dad wasn't really in the family picture, Donna's dad died before she went traveling with the Doctor (with Wilf (who is awesome), her Grandfather as the father-substitute). Even when we first met Amy, there were no fathers - Amelia Pond being a strange, parentless little girl.

Then this season hits and a pattern starts to emerge. Like a golf club to the shins.

The first time it seemed like a one-off - a Pirate King who was forced to step up for his son. It could be said that in saving his son, the Pirate saved himself.

Then the middle of the season whapped everyone in the face (sort of like Rory punching Hitler in the face, which wins my vote for the best moment on television like ever) and besides, it was a one-off.

Then we met George and Alex. It was, in the end, an unconventional family. While George was a "cuckoo in the nest", at the end of the day Alex stood up, saved his son from the monsters and saved his family.

Go dads.

Then the next anvil landed in the shape of Andy and Stormageddon: Dark Lord of All Alfie. Yet again, we see a dad who was unsure of his standing with his son, but after the Doctor vs. MOTW, we have a man who's more firmly secure in his place as a dad, literally walking everywhere with his son at his side.

So really, go Team Dad.

That leaves us with one anvil left to fall - namely, the one father who hasn't had a chance to stand up for his child this season.

So that's where my theory about the season finale sits in question form - will Rory be there to stand up for his daughter River at the end of everything? Will he have a chance to be a father to Melody when she (and everyone else) is in danger? Will he be able to change the fixed point in history that is the Doctor's death?

Lastly, a note about the Doctor. After a thousand years, he's on the other end of this spectrum of fathers. He's a father whose children are dead. It's too late for him now.

So, how are you all doing?

doctor who, episode reaction

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