So Hard To See Streets on a Country Road (Gilmore Girls/Supernatural)

Mar 10, 2007 13:50

Not sure where this came from. Anyway, it's an exercise in creative babbling.

So Hard To See Streets on a Country Road
A Gilmore Girls/Supernatural crossover
by Mhalachai

Summary: Jess's visions started after he turned 21, visions that keep showing a very different sort of Dean Forrester.
Characters: Jess Mariano (GG), the spectral presence of Sam Winchester with a cameo by Dean Winchester.
Genre: Gen (i.e. no pairings)
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Disclaimer: Supernatural belongs to the CW and Kripke. Gilmore Girls belong to the CW and Warner Bros. TV. No profit has been made from this fic.
Words: 690
Notes: I can't seem to find if we know when Jess's birthday was; so pretend he's about Rory's age. Also, remember that not all the special kids had nursery fires. Only the ones with parents who would have cared.
Setting: It starts mid-2005 (season 6 for GG, season 1 for SPN) and kicks into gear in November, 2006. (November second, 10:41. If you get that reference, you watch too much SPN, sort of like me)
Oh yeah: Dean Forrester was played by Jared Padelecki who plays Sam Winchester, all very prettily, I might add.


There were a lot of things that Jess Mariano would have liked to have gotten for his twenty-first birthday. Some cash, for starters. Laid, for another thing. Hell, he'd even have taken a set of motherfucking My Little Pony bed sheets. Anything would have been preferable to what he actually got.

A hangover, courtesy of his business partners.

And visions.

When Jess dreamed, things happened, horrible things to people Jess didn't know, things Jess couldn't stop.

It freaked him out. He woke almost every night, sweating and terrified at seeing such horrible things, evil things. He tried to write them off as panic attacks, nightmares, anything but real. He couldn't have been dreaming things that were real. Right?

He played it cool, seeing his friends, family, even promoting his book, but the visions took away his words when he tried to write again. All his fingers wanted to do was spill out the horrors he saw at night, but he told himself he would not put on paper the insane evil ramblings he saw in his sleep.

It took him months to realize that what he was seeing weren't dreams, had to be real, right about the time the visions started happening when he was awake. He was seeing things as they happened, so far away, and not able to do a damned thing about it or make it stop.

He fucking hated this.

He especially hated that after the second day in November, 2006, the visions started to focus on Dean fucking Forrester, with his stupid hair and his stupid shoulders and his big puppy dog eyes staring at a piece of paper that showed some dude's time of death as 10:41 am. It happened more and more, seeing Dean all the time, in everything he did.

The visions never had any sound, so Jess couldn't figure out who the hell the blond guy with the leather jacket was, or who he kept watching Dean with such careful eyes. Jess never figured Dean for the kind of guy who was into guys, but hey, whatever, right?

Sure, Jess still saw other things, other people in danger or in pain, but Dean was at the centre of it all. Jess was stacking books while the crazy dead chick broke Dean's arm in the cemetery. He was trying to watch TV when Dean's buddy, the crazy one, offered to stay with him, in the crazy town of possessed people.

As much as Jess hated it, he grew used to it. He felt helpless, but at least Dean was doing something about the bad things in the world, and that was enough. It didn't seem like the Dean Jess remembered from Star's Hollow, but who else could it have been?

Then one day, the visions just stopped.

Jess tried not to freak out. The visions were gone, that was good, right? All the evil in his head had gone away, no more insanity. He was able to watch a TV show without being interrupted by images of terrified children halfway across the country, or drive down the road without risking an accident pushed on him by visions of death. He should have been able to sleep, to concentrate, but all Jess could think about was Dean.

The visions were gone for nine days. Then, suddenly, they were back, and Jess was in a room crowded with books, Dean lying confused on the floor, his buddy bleeding from the shoulder, and Jess knew everything was right with the world.

Well, righter.

After a week of the visions doing overtime in his head, he'd had enough. Enough of wondering why, and not doing anything about it. Enough of letting things happen to him, enough of watching Dean fucking Forrester save the day.

His last vision of Dean had shown him a road sign ten miles outside of Springfield, Ohio. Jess threw some clothes in a duffle bag, hopped in his car and drove west out of Philadelphia. He was going to find Dean and demand answers.

Like why the man with the yellow eyes whispered to him in his dreams.


fic: supernatural, type: standalones but not drabbles, fic: gilmore girls

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