SGA fic; AB drabble

Aug 05, 2006 13:49

Hey kids.

1. A Stargate Atlantis fic for sga_flashfic:

Kryptonite in the Palms of Her Hands
Characters: Teyla Emmagen, John Sheppard, others
Genre: Gen, friendship.
Setting: Set generically after season 2, no spoilers for anything.
Rating: PG
Word count:: 2,790
Note: I wrote this without re-examining the challenge, thinking it was for a "superpower" story and not remembering the "secret" part. It's okay, though, as one can construe the secret as being kept from a select few. Basically, I'm colouring outside of the lines.

Teyla hadn't spoken in three days

2. An Anita Blake drabble.
Title: Cold
Characters: Anita
abvh100Challenge: #64 - Moon
fanfic100Challenge: #45 - Moon
Note: Extreme Danse Macabre spoilers. Hence the cut.
Word Count: 200

"Are you coming to bed?"

I stared up at the thin crescent moon. "Maybe in a bit." After a minute, I heard Micah go back in the house.

It was biting cold and painful out here, but anything was better than going back into that house, where Nathaniel and Micah waited.

It had been one of those bad days, where the inside of my head was so ugly that I didn't know myself. Most days, I could ignore the recent revelation that the ardeur had made Micah and Nathaniel love me... no, had twisted their minds up until they thought they loved me.

Today was not one of those days.

I exhaled slowly, my fogged breath rising in the still air. The sound was faint and shaky, and I hated it.

Today, I had thought of something so horrible, so... painful. What if, just as my ardeur sought out new powerful food in Micah, Jean-Claude's ardeur had done the same with me four years ago?

What if Jean-Claude's ardeur was the only thing that made him love me?

Couldn't anyone love me without being mind-fucked by vampire powers?

I went back in the house, but the cold stayed with me.


fic: stargate atlantis, fic: anita blake, type: standalones but not drabbles, type: fanfic 100

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