In light of my continued writer's block, I'll list all my ongoing fics here for your reading pleasure, and to help clarify in my own mind how things are going.
(I'll clarify about the writer's block: I've had three really good one-shot fic ideas in the last few days (KtE/HP, SGA, and AB/BtVS) but can't write. The words don't want to come out of my head and onto the page. But I will get over this and write again!)
Works in progress
Inevitable (AB/HP): I'm working on chapter 70, and we will see several familiar characters grace the scene again. Chapter 70 actually spans a couple of weeks and a lot of action. Remember, the story only goes until chapter 80 and we have a tonne of action to get through. It's all planned out and I know how it'll end and what I have to do to get us there.
Also, in Inevitable-land, I'm in the process of creating a soundtrack for the story. It's almost done, but I can't post it until after chapter 72, because one track will spoil a plot twist that I introduced back a long time ago. But then after that I can post with impunity, because really, what's an epic HP story without Voldywort? I'm pretty excited about this, as I just love Inevitable so much and want to add to your reading experience.
Switchback (AB): Has not moved much in the last little while. I'll be honest, reading Danse Macabre ruined any interest I have in reading or writing Anita Blake fic for a while (Inevitable doesn't count). We'll see if my plan to get to Switchback after I finish Inevitable will still work.
Magnolia (AB/XMen): Not only is Magnolia suffering from the above-mentioned Danse Macabre problem, its other crossover source, the X-Men movies, ended on a sour note for me. I know the comics inside and out, and seeing two strong female characters reduced to cardboard cut-outs (Rogue and Phoenix - especially Phoenix) annoyed me in so many ways.
I can't help it. The source material always impacts my writing.
Balancing Act (AB/SG1): Four chapters are completed, and I lowered the total number of chapters to seven from eight. It tightens up the action and the plot. I think there are enough hints in the first four chapters that people with sharp eyes can guess who the bad guy is :) This one isn't suffering from DM syndrome, because it's not really Anita-centric.
Promises (FF/MG): A while ago, I said I'd have this done in a week, but I need to rewatch some Inara episodes before I can continue on this. It's still planned to complete in one part... at some point.
Candlelight (AB/BtVS): This story is now on hiatus, as in "I plan to finish this some day but need to rework the ending to my satisfaction."
In the meantime
I've been writing a lot of one-shots or small stories in recent months, mostly to do with Stargate Atlantis. I have some ideas for longer SGA fics, but not to the point where I actually start them. I figure once I finish Inevitable I can take stock of my fic status and if I want to start another epic... who knows?
Also, I started watching Battlestar Galactica (as in the first 2.5 hours of the miniseries) on Friday, but I don't know. It was interesting and all, but I can't see myself bothering to continue with it.
I have to go now. Have a good day and don't de-friend me, I'll be back to writing in no time, I promise :)