FIC: Guest Lecturer (Anita Blake)

May 25, 2006 12:44

The first of three short ficlettes today (I'm putting them each in their own posts for easier categorization later)

Guest Lecturer
An Anita Blake fanfiction story by mhalachaiswords

Disclaimer: The Anita Blake universe belongs to Laurell K. Hamilton. I'm only borrowing and will return them at the end of the fic.
Summary: This is the last time Anita does a favor for Richard...
Rating: PG for language
Word count: 493
Fandom: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (master list here)
fanfic100 Prompt: 88 -- School

When the door closed behind the last student, I squared my shoulders and gave Richard the glare he deserved.

He at least had the decency to look contrite. "Sorry about that."

"Uh huh."

"Well, look on the bright side, at least the rest of the kids and their folks had a great time talking about vampires once Charlie and his mother left."

I shook my head. "Yeah, being called evil and sinful because of my friends, by some suburbanite mother, is a great way to start the evening."

I walked over to the window and looked out at the parking lot. I'd come to give an after-school talk on vampires to Richard's eighth-grade class. The school board had only allowed it if each student was accompanied by a parent and signed the permission form ahead of time.

What I hadn't counted on was one mother came with her son with the express purpose of berating me in front of everyone. I didn't know her, but anyone who associated with vampires and the others in the preternatural community didn't to fit into her tiny view of Christianity, and she wasn't afraid to let me know.

Richard's hands slid over my shoulders as he pulled me into a hug. "I thought Charlie was going to melt into a puddle of embarrassment."

I tried to hold onto my anger, but really, I was just so tired of this stuff that I couldn't maintain the outrage. "Poor kid has to face everyone after his mother did that."

"Plus he missed the talk on vampires, which he was really interested in." Richard pressed a kiss on the top of my head. "Do you mind if I give him the handout?"

"No." I turned in Richard's arms and hugged him around the waist. "Do you think I did a good job with the kids?"

"Of course you did," Richard told me. "It was great. You were amazing, answering all those questions, even the irrelevant ones."

"Well, I do know an awful lot about vampires," I said. Something occurred to me, and I started to giggle.


I pressed my face against Richard's shirt and shook my head. After a minute, when I had calmed down, I said, "Can you see Jean-Claude here while I gave this speech?"

The corner of Richard's mouth twitched. "In one of his fluffy shirts?"

"With the 1700s boots? How weird would that be?"

Richard leaned down and kissed me full on the lips. "You did a great job," he said when he pulled back. "In fact, I owe you one."

I raised my eyebrows and smiled lasciviously. "Oh really? I think I might know what you can do for me."

"Oh?" Richard said, looking at me hopefully. "What might that be?"

I took two handfuls of his shirt and pulled him down to me. When his lips were a fraction of an inch from mine, I whispered, "Never ask me to do this again."


fic: anita blake, type: fanfic 100

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