nothing to report, except these fan vid recs

May 23, 2006 21:03

Fic news: Meh. Balancing Act part Three will be out soon. Then Magnolia, but maybe that'll happen after X3 comes out (seeing as how it's set after the first movie and nothing will change). And in this time also comes Promises part II. Also, I realized the other day that the next Anita Blake book comes out soon (like, end of June, right?) so I now have an official deadline for Inevitable!

That's a lot of writing.

So, here, have some fan vid recs! Three is a nice round, er, odd number.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Brothers and Sisters by obsessive24.

This vid focuses on Glory and Ben. I'll be honest, in seasons five of BtVS, I didn't really care too much about Ben, but this vid puts the focus on him and what he's going through. It makes me actually give a damn about the raw deal he got.

Firefly: Must Be Dreaming by corn-child013 (first vid on the Firefly page)

This is a very fast-paced Serenity vid, River-centric. The main gist is this: Is what River is experiencing real? Is it a dream? How can she know? The cuts between scenes are so fast, but in a clear way, that the viewer cannot know. River's emotions, her fragile mental state, carry across well. I love it (and the end was excellent in nine thousand ways).

Harry Potter: The Boy Was A Puppet by wistful_fever

This vid sums up all that Harry is going through, all he's been forced to endure as a puppet of those around him (Dumbledore, Voldemort, the Ministry). It puts a very stark face on what Harry is going through.

Go download them!

rec: vids

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