Three AB drabbles

May 16, 2006 16:12

Crossposted to abvh100, and all for fanfic100. I'll get to 100 yet!

Title: Card
Fandom: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (master list here)
Characters: Anita
fanfic100 Prompt: 04 - Insides
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Laurell K. Hamilton owns all things Anita Blake. Only the story is my own.
Rating: PG
Note: A nine-year-old Anita tries to reach out on Mother's Day


That morning, Anita hid the card she'd made for Judith on her lap under the table. Judith looked expectantly to Andrea for a Mother's Day card and hug, and hadn't been disappointed. But then Judith had started making breakfast, and didn't look at Anita.

That night, Anita went up to her room and looked at the card again. The words "Happy Stepmother's Day" looked ugly and stupid now, and made Anita feel sick inside.

Quickly, Anita ripped the card up and threw it in the garbage. Judith wasn't her mommy. Judith already had a daughter and didn't want another one.

Title: Flaws
Fandom: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (master list here)
Characters: Jean-Claude, Anita
fanfic100 Prompt: 82 - If?
Word Count: 100
Disclaimer: Laurell K. Hamilton owns all things Anita Blake. Only the story is my own.
Rating: PG


Jean-Claude loved Anita. Still, he recognized her flaws. Everyone had flaws. So what if the woman he loved could be too brash, straightforward, judgmental?

Asher had once asked him why he "put up" with Anita. In the end, he had said nothing.

He often said nothing, when Anita cried her way through nightmares, or tried her damnedest to navigate her way through the minefields of the dead and the damned, or pushed him away with her fears of abandonment.

All he could say to her was that she was beautiful and he loved her. On most days, it was enough.

Title: Thin
Fandom: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (master list here)
Characters: Anita, Zerbrowski
fanfic100 Prompt: 79 - When?
Word Count: 200
Disclaimer: Laurell K. Hamilton owns all things Anita Blake. Only the story is my own.
Rating: PG


"Anita!" Zerbrowski called. She waved and made her way over to his desk.

"Hey, yourself." Up close, Zerbrowski saw dark circles under her eyes, stark against her white skin. "What's up?"

Zerbrowski shrugged. "Not much. You were talking to Dolph?"

Anita nodded. "About the Handers case."

"We got him," Zerbrowski pointed out.

"And yet."

Zerbrowski wished he could tell her that she looked like crap, that she was going to kill herself with work. He'd heard from Larry that Anita was routinely raising six zombies a night. Add to that all her police work, and Zerbrowski wondered when she had a chance to sleep.

He'd seen it before in cops: working too long, caring too hard, wearing themselves thin. It'd get to the point where she was so tired she'd miss something, be a fraction too slow on the draw one day, and they'd be bringing her home in a body bag.

But cops didn't say talk about that, and so Zerbrowski couldn't say those things to Anita.

"Want to grab a coffee?" he said instead. Anita shook her head.

"I have to be at work in half an hour. Maybe some other time?"


Zerbrowski watched her walk away.

fic: anita blake, type: drabbles, type: fanfic 100

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