caution: swearing

Apr 10, 2006 21:14

I swear to *god*, I have never been so close to abandoning Inevitable as I am right now. Think I can go back a few chapters and have Olaf and Nathaniel having a nice tea party instead? At this point, it would be less painful to spork my eyes out. This chapter is never going to fucking end.


yeah, yeah, back at it. No fic abandonage today.

So, um, today's link/rec/point: Today's Harry Potter news:

The Vatican's whipped out its head exorcist to say Harry Potter is evil. As anyone who's read mctabby's summary executions knows, he's right.

A blogger is comparing those recently unveiled claim that Judas was helping Jesus, as published in the Gospels of Judas, with the actions of Snape in HBP.

ETA: Sheesh, I'm whining again, aren't I? Somebody slap me. Really, I do enjoy writing. I do, I do, I do believe in fairies.
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