Title: Drinking Buddies
tth100 prompt: Dawn
Crossover fandom: Highlander
Characters: Dawn, Joe, Methos
Prompt: 056 -- Drinking (
master table)
Word Count: 562
Rating: PG-13/FR13
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon owns all things Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Davis-Panzer Productions et al. own all things Highlander. Only the story is my own.
Note: A Halloween entry for
twistedshorts. Prompt words used are morgue, trick of treat, costumes, and jack-o-lantern. Also, Dawn's over 21, so nothing illegal here (I am, of course, referring to the drinking).
"Trick or treat?"
Joe Dawson managed to avoid rolling his eyes. "That doesn't work with Adam, why would it work with you?"
Dawn shrugged as she slid onto a bar stool. "Can't hurt to try, right?"
"Suppose not. You want a drink?"
"Sure. How about a beer?"
Joe reached for a glass and filled it with a draught beer with practiced ease. "I haven't seen you in a while. Did you leave town?" he asked as he slid the beer in front of Dawn.
"No, just stuff happening," Dawn said vaguely. After checking out who was in the bar, she leaned over the counter and whispered conspiratorially, "There's this cult of demon worshipers that are planning a big to-do on Halloween night. They've already stolen a few corpses from the morgue."
No matter how many times Joe heard about what Dawn, one of the "other" branch of Watchers, was up to, it always left him shaking his head. "Are you sure it's not just a prank?"
Dawn shook her head. "I wish it was. Back when I was a kid, Halloween was the only night of the year that nothing happened." She took a sip of her beer. "Okay, so that's not really true, but that was how it was supposed to go."
The front door to Joe's bar opened, to reveal a stumbling Methos. He slouched his way over to the bar and slipped onto the stool next to Dawn. "Beer?" he pleaded.
"What's your glitch?" Dawn asked, eyebrows raised.
Methos was silent until Joe placed a beer in front of him, and he had drained half the glass in one go. "I'm never doing anything for McLeod, ever again," he swore.
Joe and Dawn looked at each other. "What happened?" Joe asked, imagining something to do with Immortals.
Methos drained the rest of the beer. "There was an antique thing that McLeod wanted, some piece of seventeenth century crap." He shook his head. "I went to see the dealer, and decided to walk back."
"What happened?" Dawn asked.
"I got caught in a parade. A... Halloween parade."
A slow grin lit up Dawn's face. "With little kids?"
Methos nodded as he held out his glass for a refill. "With costumes and jack-o-lanterns and everything."
Dawn started to laugh. "Poor Adam." Still giggling, she stood. "And I thought my day was bad." She put some money on the bar and pulled on her coat. "See you guys later."
Joe waited until the laughing young woman left before refilling Methos's glass. "Did you really run into a Halloween parade?" he asked sceptically.
"Mm? Yeah, I did. As I was trying to avoid an Immortal." Methos rested his head in his hand, staring at his glass. "It's like this town is infested with us."
"This wouldn't have bothered you three months ago, you'd have just left town," Joe pointed out.
The sudden sharpness in Methos's glare told Joe that the Immortal knew exactly what the Watcher was talking about. "Is that so?"
"Yeah. Ever since Dawn breezed into town with her Slayer, you've been acting almost normal." Joe picked up his cane and headed toward the back office.
The sooner Methos figured out what he was going to do with the other Watcher, the better, in Joe's mind. The last thing Joe wanted to do was to play Halloween matchmaker with those two.