"I can't imagine how cranky I'd be if my life actually did suck." (208.2)

Nov 12, 2015 16:58

Said not by me, but by a friend on Facebook. I won't share more of what he said in detail, since he posted friends-only, but he talked about the great things he's gotten to do recently and has to look forward to, and grumpy as he may be about some aspects of his life, he's "not narcissistic enough to be unaware" of how much better his life is than most.

I can both respect that position and identify with it. I don't have the disposable income to do a lot of the things he talks about doing, but I probably will again before much longer. And I'm relatively healthy and eating pretty reliably, even if not nearly as well as I used to. I need to work on some things I do have control over, as well, but in general, my life is awesome.
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