Lost Much

Mar 03, 2009 17:51

It's not about being read.
It's about being written.

Like, I would like to being this journal entry with a few words : Ha ha ha.

Yeah. So this would be like, my first entry and the like.

Dad didn't pick me up today so I decided to go home with Danica. It was sort of a rather stupid thing, really, when we decided to walk home cause school is like...just around the corner for both of us. So maybe at first it wasn't really that stupid but then when we decided to take a turn, for a supposed "shortcut", everything started going down. As in, literally cause the road was like heading downwards. So yeah. We didn't know the people from that neighborhood and all the leads we had was, "the church!" and she totally trusted me. Doesn't take a genius to realize that one should not often trust Kris Young with the directions. So yeah, and I kept saying, "If we pass the basketball court then we've passed the way"...and we walked for a few minutes, passing a few people who were all like "O.o". Well, it wasn't embarrassing cause we weren't from there and people technically didn't know us so all's good!

So yeah...we walked. And walked. And seriously kept on walking. We were thinking of turning back but Danica was like, "It'll be humiliating if they find us going back!" so I was like, shrug shrug, sure sure and stuff so yeah. I admit I forgot where that little road was or something and I really didn't want to admit it to her cause she'd probably murder me. And then I was asking myself, "...Does this place even have a basketball court or was that the other street?" and then...yeah. We found the paved road and proceeded, ending up somewhere near a church, just in front of Danica's house.

When we turned back Danica was like, "Idiots! We were idiots! That was no shortcut! This place is easier to walk on, its clean, clear and the like and it's SHORT, Kris, SHORT!"

So I was then like, "You ought to have not listened to me. It was really stupid, what I suggested, but you were stupid too for going along with it."


And then we exploded in laughter. So yeah. No harm done except we almost got lost and our pride was at stake. We barely knew, okay, we DIDN'T even know those people but I think they'd have a laugh if they found us going back towards the entrance, like, retracing our steps and stuff so yeah.

Plus, plus, the AP review for the NAT (National Achievement Test) was totally...an epic phailure. I have no idea why they would want us to take a test like so, I'm a Second Year in fricking High School and yeah! Like. Damn Kong Hua.

Oh well. Ria asked me to post so here it is.

taylor swift, exams, oceanup., humiliation, lolz, lautner, lost

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