There's a 'fic' that's been recently published in the Beyblade section of I say 'fic' because, well, to clue you in, its title is "The Beyblade fandom is turning to shit" and I've spent the last couple of days trying to figure out why it's irritating me to the point where I can't look at it.
Possibly the longest rant I've ever written )
But all those "crappy" stories that are destroying the site are from young inexperienced writers and hell my opinion is that if those young writers can't have a place to post their albeit crappy stories where are they gunna learn to grow.
Getting that first review is so thrilling. And i think alot of the older writers who have or are giving up the site are moving on.
And it's just not people not reviewing that are sinking the battleship so to speak. It's inexperienced young writers with their crappy stories really. And not to be harsh on them cos well hell most of my stories are pretty crappy, specially the early ones before i learned of punctuation and grammer.
The site is for anyone to post whatever piece of crap they come up with. I really don't think it should be about wether its a good piece of work or not. It shouldn't matter what they post, and i think im kinda contradicting myself here but really this is a site not for professional good writers but for every kind.
And hell, we'd all love more reviews good or bad really but a lot of people just don't review or if they do it's unhelpful crap like "good" or "liked it" or even "cool"
Reviews like that are shit and pointless in my opinion. Although i know i've given shitty reviews in my time i still try to write at least something that i really liked about it. Not just a few words.
Lol, i guess i kinda joined in your rant there huh. Oh well, that site helped me get through a lot so i'd hate for it to go down.
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