(no subject)

Apr 01, 2013 21:42

On Saturday i went on a bike ride with Marc and Paul -- first time on the bike since my crash at the end of last summer. I must admit that i was a bit wobbly, psychologically if not physically. We did some twenty miles with only minor hills, and i could tell that my legs are not where they once were. However, it was encouraging that I could do the distance, and felt pretty good at the end of it.

The day was beautiful, seriously beautiful. The first half of the ride was on the interurban trail - quiet and peaceful. The second half was on the Burke-Gilman highway and less so. My company was good, and the riding was good. I might invest in a new front tire as well as the rear one. I ended up the day feeling pretty happy; my bike magic still seems to work.

On Sunday i took the dog around the lake: 2.8 mile circumnavigation, ran first half (-stop for the dog), trashcan intervals second half. 31:33 mins for an 11.2 min/mile pace. I put all this here to say where I am. My immediate goals are to get up to the 3.2 distance (I'd like to get to at least a 5k base that i can maintain). Then maybe i can work on speed.

I think i should stick with the exercise program we've been doing at home. There are some drills there that will ultimately be useful to me. I must admit that it is a bit less intriguing when i've been getting outside exercise, though.

running, biking

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