So today was Fountain Day, and for all of you non-UAers, it's a big huge event on campus every spring where the school turns on the fountain in the center of campus. It's basically a school-wide party day and it brings in Spring nicely here. The amazing thing today was that it was nearly 80 degrees and sunny, and so it made for a perfect day of fesitivites.. there's also like carnival type games in the area above the fountain, and you can take pictures etc, and then finally at 3pm they allow people into the fountain where there's beach balls and the whole nine yards, a DJ etc until they turn it on, and everyone goes crazy. It's a really special event on campus, and I don't know - today during the whole thing, it just sorta hit me that it was my last Fountain Day and that I'm really about to graduate in four (!) weeks and move onto the next chapter of my life.
It's funny, I guess.. I was really unhappy first semester year in '03, but God - I've really come to love everything about this school and college life, and I'll be sad to leave this all behind come May 20th. I just never expected to grow to love this school so much, and I guess the little things in life around here really just make realize that. I'm really going to miss Albany when I graduate.
In case you're interested, I've also posted a picture I found on the net from a previous Fountain Day.