More recent acquisitions:

Apr 21, 2009 14:46

Contacts working well. Saw my doctor, need to send in the form to transfer my medical records when I move. Need to call the RMV and ask about renewing my license.

Got a card holder thingie, it's basically folded thick cardstock that we can decorate however, and it's cheap and recyclable so I'm not stuck with a satin-covered box or bulky wire birdcage after the wedding.

Made a list on The Knot's wedding shop. They're having a sale. Favors have been selected, now it's a matter of narrowing down to what we'd actually want to have versus what is just plain awesome that only a few people would appreciate.

Have rehearsal dinner plans started. That reminds me, I have a phone call to make...

Shoes are, uh. "Being Dyed" I hope. I need them for Thursday's fitting. They've been sitting in the store not being dyed for over a week now. UGH.

I have a clutch. Need to buy kleenex to load it with.

More florist details have been dealt with, but I still have things I need to find out.

Response cards keep trickling in, much to the dismay of my mother. "We were supposed to have all of them back by now!!!" Ah well. :)

So yea, things are moving. Slow but sure. Got some phone calls to make today and that'll add to it all. ^_^
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