Really, what does Mary Sue hate say about fandom?

Apr 11, 2006 07:51

So, discussion about Mary Sue was going around places a long while ago now.

As I see it every person who sets out to learn to make their own characters is bound to make a Mary Sue. I think it's a step in learning to make your own charactes, which in varying forms gets written, even published in some cases.

What I don't get is exactly why poor Mary Sue is so bashed in fandom. I get not every fanfic writer is buying time while trying to write origfic. And that there are some fanfic writers who really just like writing OCs in a fandom world. So, learning to write OCs to put into origfic is not something every fanfic writer is striving for, but why discourage those who like to write OCs?

I just wonder, is it limiting to a fanfic writer to not let them explore writing original characters by making them fear that Mary Sue-ish OC they may write? Personally, I think it is. And I think that while you need plot in origfic, wonderful characters are almost as important, they're your link to the readers after all.

And if the backlash against OCs is limiting, is it done with forethought or jealousy? My thinking on that, is it isn't, I'm just being cynical to even think so. But I do find the bashing of Mary Sue more interesting if one takes into acount the possiblity it may hamper a fanfic writer from moving on from fanfic if they have the desire to.

fandom, writing

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