Seeing Japan eats into writing (not that that's new)

Feb 14, 2012 07:06

So, 15,000 words in January, not bad considering I didn't really start until after the first week and the vacation in Tokyo. Also, Jedi's been around and there's always more to try and see when that's the case. Like Tokyo, snow monkeys, sumo tournament, few things in Yokohama, and this last weekend a skiing trip to Nozawa Onsen in Nagano prefecture. Lots an lots of snow, and by the end I had mostly gotten the hang of skiing basics.

Also you can tell last week was a do-all-the-things kind of week as I drafted this a week ago on the phone and am just updating and posting today.

I did get a lot of writing done over Super Bowl weekend as Jedi had to work so I ended up waiting around on base for him. Wrote 3,000 words, read through the Native American fantasy novel I'm revising and decided going to Montana then New York as it's written makes the most sense. The other pieces work best that way, and one of the characters needs to learn some about powers, best done by plains tribes since that's her tribes as well. Also think I may have an idea on how to revise the first 3 chapters of my Rhode Island horror novel for query packages, although it will likely involve a prologue.

Super Bowl pre-party involved Hooter girls and free Hooter wings Sunday. Did breakfast and the game on base Monday morning (game started 8:30am Japan time), with more wings and Hooter girls. And yes, there were people drinking at 7am for the game. Luckily the game was good, because we didn't get the commercials. Those we're catch some of via YouTube, until we got bored with them as none were terribly impressing.

Yesterday was the return all the things from the trip day. There's also stuff going on much of the rest of the week. But since I don't have to work, just unpack, walk dog and pack for Jedi leaving soon I'm hoping to get a little writing done.

rl, japan, novel writing, revision, writing

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