My Memorial Weekend

May 27, 2008 11:13

Revision of Novella 2 done. Printing out Novella 3 this week for revisions to start June 1.

Trying to finish up my Paranormal mystery short. At least I figured the next direction for it. I oddly didn't outline this as much as I tend to, and the misdirection and extra writing is showing. If only I can get to a good scene or two, I can revise around those to make it work, hopefully.

Jedi has found a new online game, so this morning I used my writing time to print things. The desktop I usually write on seems to not work with the printer. Now have my revised magic tech story for Jedi to critique on paper. And the final revision of my "Call of the Torrans" story to polish tomorrow during test proctoring so it can get subbed out.

The critiques on my story at critters has been mixed. Many think it works decently as is. Some have hated it. Overall, I think it needs more conflict and action from the main character. And it may just be a story and style some hate. *shrug*

Have another short story idea based on "Love is Stronger than Justice" by Sting. A twist to the end, SF, likely short and written in a lyrical style. Oh, and dark, as the main character does kill his other 6 brothers to get the girl he's in love with. Sounds like fun to write, especially after the struggle that's been the paranormal mystery story.

Last fall I revised shorts and wrote a novel. I'm doing a decent job of writing up new rough drafts of shorts this spring/summer while revising said novel.

Non-writing things:

Took Spaz!puppy with us to the beach Saturday. She was, of course, a big hit, and is still worn out from all the excitement. Of course, I'm also a bit worn out from getting drug about by a spaz!puppy.

Taking advantage of discounts (10% sale, 10% military memorial weekend) we should be getting a shiny new stove tonight. It's the last big thing the kitchen needs to be really great. (Guess is the previous owners took their fancy new stove with them when they moved.)

Had to work yesterday, but my students (unwisely) wigged out early from lab and I got to go to Jedi's co-worker get together yesterday early evening.

rl, house, pets, writing

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