fanart, lots of it!

May 17, 2011 18:55

My MGS fanarts have accumulated over the past couple days, so here's a big ol' art dump.

Characters: Big Boss, Old Snake, Plisken, Ocelot
Warnings: Some butt-through-tights, but worksafe otherwise. Spoiler free as well!
Info: A lot of drawings from MGS2, MGS3, MGS4, and MGSPW. One crossover pic, one silly Plisken, one Old Snake cat, and lots of sexy Big Boss hehehehhe~

:'D This drawing was inspired by this beautiful, beautiful video that everyone should watch.

Kitty Snakes are fun to draw~!

Possibly obscure crossover depending on where you're from.

Tried to draw the sneaking suit from Peace Walker without any of the extra gear since I wanted to draw Big Boss in tight clothing :DDD

Big Boss chillaxin'


Those sneaking suits just look like a pain to put on and take off.

And that's it! For now.....

x-posted at mgs_fanworks

mgs2, mgspw, crossover, mgs4, mgs3, fanart

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