Guess it's time to launch some fireworks!

Apr 30, 2011 13:15

mgs_slash, do you know what day it is today?

Trivial Information Day

1. Comment with whatever you wish that you couldn't usually post in this comm - your ramblings about characters/games/MGS and Me, conspiracy theories about the Patriots, your favourite/least favourite moments of the series, fandom confessions, your very own pre-boss-battle speech or intro, crackscribbling, crackdoodling, abandoned plot bunnies, picspam, dark and revealing secrets, an IRL moment that reminded you of MGS, new Metal Gear Laws, actual serious suggestions for this comm/ranting at the modface, asking for help with this awesome fan project you're working on, and the list goes on.

2. I'll open a couple general threads in the comments, but you're encouraged to start your own for things I inevitably haven't foreseen!

3. Trolling is okay as long as you can answer YES to the question: "Would Kojima approve?" (And don't be hostile to each other, though that goes without saying.)

4. Feel free to use RP journals in addition to your personal one.


april 30th, commenters are a crazy ai, 2011, poster is a crazy ai

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