Hola, chikas! This title is pretty deceptive, actually, as this aspect of Snake's personality is only partially explored in this collection of silly drawings that I present to you all, my little fellow slash fans. I actually posted a kind of prelimiary sketchdump of this over on Fanworks a little while ago but since it didn't have anything particularly slashy on it at that stage I refrained from posting it here. Nevertheless, now that it's done (not that I truly think sketchdumps are anything close to ever being done), I present it to all of you. Also, the gradient is a little dark at the bottom, good going self. Just ignore it - if you do, it'll get tired and go away.
I intended to colour most of these, but I foresaw this to be a particularly laborious and long-drawn-out process, so I gave in to an early upload. Most of these were small little drawings for ideas that never made it to complete fruition. Enjoy!
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: SnakexOtacon
Warning: Generally safe for work, depending on your interpretations of pseudo-adult-situations. Go ahead, take a gamble.
I think the pic of Snake and Hal gaming in the bottom right corner is the stupidest thing I've ever drawn.
Wait, no it's not. But it's up there!
... Well, no, probably not. But...
... I can't think of a way to finish off this sentence. I'M STALLING.