Oh boy... I should be working on my Fanbook entry, but NOOOOO. I have to get distracted with this ridiculously long crack!fic *shifty eyes* Anyways, I hope no one gets mad about this *lol* Like I said over Y!Gallery, if i get one comment on this, I'll be more than glad.
Title: Sex Object
Word Count: 2,427
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Roy/Ocelot (and I should be shot for it). It also mentions Ocelot/BB and Roy/BB (because everyone loves BB =D)
Author's Notes: No beta, because I really don't want to scare my beta for the rest of her life.
Summary and Warnings: Ocelot is tired of waiting for Big Boss and really needs a 'substitute'. It seems like Roy is fit for the job. This has some minor spolers for MGS: PO, but nothing that saus "OMG! YOU RUINED THE GSAME!!!!". And, well, this has sex and stuff everyone loves... I feel awkward about it now, since it had been FOREVER since I wrote something more explicit.
They should call me the queen of craaaaaack... )