Epilogue: Tempus? Fuck It. History doesn't have to repeat.
Yep. 3 years, 78 chapters, and 300,000+ words JESUS CHRIST HOW IS ANYBODY STILL READING THIS SHIT
-that is to say, all of that later, we're done. I've really enjoyed writing this old pile of crazy. I hope I've provided you all with some entertainment, or at least some snippets to terrify people with on 4chan. Much, much thanks to
amethyst_wolf for providing the innocent pairing prompt that lead to this entire thing,
dontdiefox and everyone else who contributed unspeakably awesome art,
imre_nico for bravely beta'ing selected porn, and
irrion for saintly patience with a lot of shop talk and various bitching. And, of course, all of you for reading the damn thing, which is most impressive of all. You all are the wind beneath my psychofluff wings.
Thank you.