So, you've heard about the het in MGS4. You may even have ranted against it. But we all know Metal Gear Solid wouldn't be Metal Gear Solid without a big ole helping of slashy subtext. Let's see how well this latest installment stacks up.
Disclaimer: I haven't played the game yet, just sat through all the cutscenes, which you can find
here. MGS4 broke my gaydar, so anything with even a hint of slash is going in this list. I may be reading too much into it; I'm sure half of these examples don't even belong on here.
Sunny has two daddies. During the Mission Briefings, Snake and Otacon get all domestic up in the NOMAD. It's now canon that Otacon's a bad cook and Snake sleeps on the couch. Snake's also terrible with children (well, with Sunny at least).
Otacon acts rather guilty about his attraction to Naomi whenever Snake's around. Snake for his part tries to be tactful about the whole blossoming relationship.
EVA says Ocelot "idolized" Big Boss (read: "had a gigantic mancrush on"). There's
the infamous cheek kiss, courtesy of
saphrawn. Ocelot handgestures Solid Snake at the end of their fight, approximating Big Boss' words for the occasion ("You're pretty good."). He compares Snake to Big Boss ("I am Liquid's doppleganger. And you are his.") In the two homoerotic fight scenes between Snake and Liquid Ocelot, they grab each other's upper arms and Ocelot presses their foreheads together.
(Interesting note: EVA seems to have grown pretty close to Ocelot since the events of MGS3. "We too paid a price, I lost Ocelot." And when she thinks he's been taken over by Liquid, she tries to appeal to him with a tender call of "Adam." EVA/Big Boss/Ocelot, anyone?)
Ed and Jonathan are heterosexual life partners.
Ed: We were great partners.
Jonathan: No. Great friends.
The entirety of this scene. Otacon's concern over Snake and his pain at seeing Snake's burned face. Raiden's devotion to Snake. Snake's attempts to reassure both Otacon and Raiden.
Out of all the people he interacts with, Snake's the most touchy-feely with Otacon and the least with Meryl.
At Shadow Moses, Otacon and Snake reminiscence about their first meeting. Otacon's also more upset that Naomi has access to Snake's blood than over the fact that she ran out on him. Otacon also likes to refer to Snake and himself as a unit, it's often "us" and "we" rather than "you."
Vamp and Raiden's charged rivalry. A homoerotic sword fight (the one we've seen in the trailers) and, later on, a homerotic knife fight. Both fights culminate in this semi-embraces between the two. Vamp really likes licking Raiden's white cyberninja blood. Raiden tells Snake to leave Vamp to him. Raiden kneels at the side of Vamp's dead body, as if paying his respects.
The callback to MGS1 & MGS2 after Naomi dies (I actually found her death rather touching - "You have such beautiful eyes.") Probably not all that slashy, but I liked the reference.
Otacon: Snake, you're right. I haven't lost everything yet. I've still got a job to do.
Snake: That's right. We need you.
Otacon: I'm done crying. I don't have any more tears to shed.
Once again, Raiden's devotion to Snake. It really warrants a second mention.
Otacon lights Snake's cigarette. Literally. Meryl and Drebin do as well, but the scene with Otacon's the most intimate. "Otacon, why don't you jump off the ship with me?"
Mei Ling (rightly) assumes Otacon knows where Snake is when he doesn't show up at the Mery/Johnny wedding. He also cries over Snake going off by himself because he "needs his rest." It's pretty clear he thinks Snake's going to commit suicide.
(Note: Meryl/Johnny are the only couple we see share an onscreen kiss. Naomi/Otacon don't, even though there's two close calls and it's implied they slept together. Campbell/Rose Rose/Raiden don't kiss either.)
Big Boss on Ocelot: "Cats do love to play as snakes."
The bit after the epilogue. Sunny has two daddies.. Otacon concocts a pretty flimsy excuse to justify them living together (someone has to pass on Snake's story?): "But I'll remember everything you were, and stick with you 'til the end."
Conclusion: Big Boss/Ocelot is canon. Snake and Otacon are an old married couple. And also utterly inseparable. Yes, even despite Naomi.
Well, your mileage may vary but that's what I've come up with. Feel free to add any I've missed and to correct me. I'm sure I've made a ton of mistakes.