Introduction via drabble.

Feb 23, 2008 11:59

I'm tired of lurking, so here's my first bit of ficcage to this fandom.

Title: It’s My Choice, Dammit

Pairing: Dave x Hal

Rating: PG?

Word Count: 596

Spoilers: Makes sense if you've seen the MGS4 trailers.

Summary: Hal isn’t exactly welcoming Dave’s newest decision with open arms.

Lol, sucktastic and un-beta'd horror this way )


To make this a proper introduction I'll bore you- I got into Metal Gear when I watched my brother play Twin Snakes a long, long, looooong time ago. From there, I've just been obsessed and started playing the series from Sons of Liberty on. My slashing it came from a mistake in Google, best mistake in life BTW. *lawls*

fanfic links, pg, 2008, mgs4 (pre-release), snake/otacon

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