(no subject)

Oct 23, 2012 21:35

Despite the fact that the week was a short one I was still ahead of myself and come Thursday I thought it should be Friday. E managed to tease me through the day leading me on that he had something planned. I was pretty fired up by the time I got home, and upon finding that he had folded the entire three loads of clothes that had been hanging up to dry, he drug me into the bedroom. To my delight I found that he had made a short spreader bar, and he had fun being creative with his new toy.
We finally untangled ourselves from each other and decided to get into the shower since we were both sweaty and needed to wash off. That led to other things and when the hot water ran out we decided it was probably time to get out of the shower. J had gotten home, and so we got dinner ready and ate. J had already decided he was going to have his way with me, and so the vet wrap came out and he had his fun. Come to find out you can wrap vet wrap around someone's head and face and it doesn't hurt or anything. He let me get off, and then came on me, but I was too worn out to really enjoy it as much as I normally would.
I was disappointed that I wouldn't be able to sleep with E again until Sunday since KN was in town teaching lessons for the weekend. For some reason that was really bothered me. It was frustrating not to be able to be affectionate with E when others were around. Minding words and actions is not fun.
Saturday we spent most of the day doing trail work in prep for the upcoming competitive trail ride. We hiked almost 2 miles in the morning cleaning up the fire pit that the neighborhood kids had created in the middle of the trail and burned a number of pallets which left more than 15 lbs of nails that needed to be cleaned up. N and I hiked a short distance to check to be sure that some wood was cleaned up, and then after lunch we took tools down to the river and hiked up to a stream crossing that needed some work. We moved around quite a bit of dirt and stones to try to improve the crossing which took a lot of work, and then hiked out again. 
We got back up to the house and relaxed for a little bit, and since J had moved his clothes out of the drawers in prep for switching to the winter clothes I felt that I needed to get that done. I went into the bedroom to fully intend to start, and was just completely overwhelmed in a really bad way. Everywhere I looked there was STUFF sitting on every surface. I would pick up one thing to put it away only to find that there were boxes or things sitting in front of where it needed to go, so I couldn't even get it put away. I couldn't turn without needing to move something in order to complete something else. I was frustrated that the clothes were already out of his drawers so something needed to get done. I got so disgusted with the situation that I left the room, grabbed a Mike's and went back out on the porch with the guys. J knew something was up when I returned with a beer, and my testy attitude. I could tell that E was concerned, and J tried to offer solutions, but I really wasn't in the mood for solutions at that moment. J mentioned going shooting, and I told him he could but that I wasn't going to do so because it wasn't a smart thing for me to do. I wanted to be far away from people at that moment. So finally E and J decided to go shooting, and I decided that I wasn't interested in sitting in the house, so I decided to go back out on the trail. When E realized where I was going, he caught me for a moment and was a little worried. I told him I would be perfectly fine, and that I needed to go move around away from people. He reluctantly let me go, and I headed out and around the pasture to the trails.
I picked up my walking stick where I had left it and decided that I would head down the creek since I had on my muck boots and wouldn't have to worry about getting wet. From the night's rains I found clear sand and many animal tracks along the way. I took pictures of the tiny prints so I could research them later, and wandered along climbing rocks and crossing through the water zigzagging my way down the creek with the flowing water. I found a place and relaxed for a while on a rock just being present in the environment. I enjoyed watching a little bird take a bath in the edge of the stream behind a rock. He would sit on top of the rock and fluff himself, then hop down behind the rock to splash around, making ripples in the water around the rock, and then hop back up on top to look around. Apparently he needed some privacy. I watched him until he finally flitted away at the sound of someone yelling in the woods. A few minutes later a couple came down the trail with their dogs off leash. They didn't notice me sitting in the stream, and I didn't call their attention either. I debated on what I wanted to do preferring not to be seen by anyone. I decided to head down the stream away from them, hoping that they would continue up the trail for a ways. They ended up turning around and passed me much sooner than I expected, and this time the dogs noticed me, and they had to call to them to keep them moving since they were off leash. 
I came to the point where we did the work, and got back onto the trail again, following it down to the next crossing where I found a young couple standing by the water, probably wishing I wasn't there as much as I was wishing they weren't there either. I continued down the trail and picked up the trail along the river for a ways, hoping that maybe the couple would have left and returned and I wouldn't have to pass them again. I apparently didn't wait long enough, and crossed them almost at the point where they would have had to turn to get back to the parking area. If only I had waited a bit longer in both cases I likely would have gone unnoticed. I got back to the stream crossing again and decided to head up the stream again since I could see some really large rocks and wanted to explore. I found a deep pool, almost 2' deep where I could put my walking stick in, which was almost 6" deeper than the last deep pool that I found, and climbed up the large boulders and hung out for a little while before moving on up the stream again. I picked the trail up again at the next crossing and moseyed my way back up the hill. E called me when I was not too far from the first stream crossing, and was very concerned. I told him how to get to where I was, and he headed out to find me in the dying light of the evening. I didn't realize until much later that I had missed a text from him, which was unlike me to not answer, so he was probably more concerned than he needed to be.
We talked for a bit, and he could tell that I wasn't completely settled, but I managed to convince him that I was fine enough, and told him a bit of what I was frustrated with. I also told him about the good parts of my walk and what I had seen. We talked for a while longer, and skipped stones, and goofed off for a while before we finally headed back up the hill. N was almost done feeding, and dinner was close to ready, so it was good timing. We decided we wanted s'mores supplies, and so E and I ran to the grocery store before dinner was ready. 
We came back and enjoyed the marinara that had been cooking all day. We lit a fire after that, and discovered just how poorly the wood from the trees in the front yard burns. Those trees are so bad they can't even be burned! The wood did nothing more than smolder once it finally caught, which didn't serve our purpose very well. We finally had it hot enough that we could at least heat the marshmallows  so we enjoyed the s'mores next to the burning embers. We finally put the lid on the fire pit and went to bed knowing that it would still be smoldering in the morning. Everything had finally burned down, but was still smoking a bit.
I got ready for my riding lesson, and was fairly tired after that. We had our lunch break, and by then J had fired up the smoker and had the meat going for dinner. So E and J smoked cigars and drank beer while he tended the smoker. I hung out with them enjoying the afternoon warmth of the sun for a while. E decided to save his cigar and so he put that away, and decided to be silly and throw his bottle cap at me. What ended up following can only be described as a 5th grade level pebble and stick fight. I found some of the small wood that we had been using for kindling the night before and began flicking sticks at him. When we ran out of sticks, it degenerated into throwing the tiny pebbles that make up the "patio" of the fire pit. When J finally made a comment on our childishness, we turned and began to fling the pea gravel at him. We must have sat there laughing at each other throwing pebbles for more than an hour. 
Finally E had finished his beer and decided to go catch up with a friend who was home from college and so I began to do a little work in the bedroom. J helped me move some things out into the hay barn for storage and then he put away some of his gun things that had gotten dragged out from the visit to the range the day before. Slowly but surely things began to get straightened up and some of the clutter disappeared. It is a far cry from done, but there are things that are now out of the bedroom, some things have a slightly better home, and so it is progress made. The intent is to get the clothing switched around this afternoon when I get home. I just hope I have enough energy to accomplish that.
E returned and he and I decided to go test out the hammock he bought forever ago, and so we headed down the trail again. We didn't go too far as both of us were fairly tired, and found a nice spot between some trees to set it up. We hung out (literally!) for a while and got to see a hawk fly over, and then a heron fly over, which was very special. Eventually it began to get pretty cool, and J let us know that KN and N had just left, so we headed back up the hill to get warm and get some dinner. The smoked meat came out very well, and dinner was great. J is such a good cook. I checked my email as we relaxed, and noticed that one of the places that is a prospect for the reception for our wedding had a groupon deal, I went and checked it out and discovered that they had Grand Marnier BUTTER with their french toast on the brunch menu. We bought coupons right there. Its going to be several weeks before we can take advantage of them, but we are all excited!
E and I cleaned up from dinner, and then headed to soak in the tub for a while since we were both aching and sore. We popped a wine bottle and he decided he really likes my wine, and we ended up polishing off the whole bottle! EEK! Mental note, only bring glasses of wine into the bathroom, not the entire bottle! Oops! Good thing I have 3 more still on the shelf! 
We finally got out of the tub and pretty much crashed together after that. Its the first night of the icky week, so we couldn't do anything exciting, but it was comfortable to sleep next to him. I tossed and turned, and was either too hot or had no blankets, I couldn't get settled. It didn't really surprise me, but it was nice to be next to him again.Monday of my period sucks always, and this day was particularly bad for some reason. I started in on a headache in the afternoon, and by the time I got home it was all I could do to get home. E was home when I got there, and his mom and brother had stopped by to see the horses, so we hung outside for a little while. When they finally left, I crashed. I ended up on the couch with E wrapped around me rubbing my head. It hurt so bad it was making me cry. J got home and saw the state I was in and he wouldn't let me go out to help feed the horses, so he and E left to take care of that and I got into the shower which helped, but not by much. I curled up in my recliner until they came back and made dinner. I managed to make it until just after 9, and then crashed with 3 melatonin for company. I slept pretty solid but woke up now and then turned over several times.
My day today was much better, and of course E made it better when I got home.


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