Title: Mind Rape, Get It?
Pairing: Ocelot/Psycho Mantis (Oh yeah, I went there)
Rating: NC-17 and almost guaranteed squick
Summary: Here's my entry for the Make a Piece challenge. I'm not playing to win, just for kicks (don't have a PSP). Is it bad that when I saw the "cocoons pinned to a board" prompt the first thing I thought of was bondage or that when I saw the "camera" prompt, the first thing to come to mind was voyeurism?
Warnings: Stitches, blood, semen, noncon, electrosex, sounding, and Psycho Mantis's cockring
Fun Fact: When the prompt pictures made me think of bondage I first planned to do an MGS3 picture of Major Ocelot having his way with a bound and beaten Naked Snake. But then inspiration struck over at PaintChat.
I've wanted to make Psycho Mantis porn for a long time, but my main obstacle for this was coming up with a conceivable situation for porn to happen. After all, Mantis has that weird sex phobia, and it's kinda hard to rape the world's most powerful psychic. Luckily, the filthy minds over at the MGS PaintChat were able to help we with that. You remember that excellent MGS webcomic,
The Last Days of Foxhound? You read that, right?
At one point in the comic, Psycho Mantis enters Revolver Ocelot's mind, only to find that Ocelot has gotten the upper hand within his own mind. Ocelot traps Mantis in an imaginary empty space and some plot-relevant stuff happens before Ocelot lets Mantis go. This seems to be the one point in time where Psycho Mantis is completely at someone's mercy. And being at Ocelot's mercy can't be a good thing. Especially if he hates your guts.
So we figured, why wouldn't Ocelot have some fun with Mantis while he got the psychic at a disadvantage? Summon up an imaginary torture rack, and he's good to go. Yes, I did LDoF porn. That makes this a double Rule34, huh?
Ocelot didn't make Mantis wear that cockring. He had that already. You know that picture from the MGS artbook that has a full-frontal nude of Psycho Mantis? Have you ever looked real closely at it? Ever notice that Mantis appears to be wearing a cockring? No? Here,
take another look.
My theory on this is that Mantis is freaked out by sex, that he got a chastity piercing. My guess is he got a deep shaft piercing that locks on a tight cock ring, to constrict any further blood flow and expansion. I've put far too much thought into this. I've also ruined Metal Gear for anyone who reads this. Having a tight ring/piercing like that makes erections very painful, and sometimes they bleed. Deep shaft piercings are prone to bleeding (or so I've heard), especially if they're too tight.
I'm pretty sure this is the first picture ever with Psycho Mantis crying (Ocelot took of his mask to torment him more). I'm assuming its a combination of getting raped when he's already got an aversion to sex and a whole lot of pain. Forced orgasm + really tight deep shaft piercing is not a good combination, electric shock makes it worse.
This is actually Part 2 of the "Mind Rape, Get It?" series. The first one is basically just a precursor to this, and not as high-quality (still learning PChat), so I didn't post it here. But if you guys really want me to, let me know.