So here is the list of lonely, never-filled prompts that are in need of your loving attention. Have at.
-There are no rules. Just make a thing and put it in a comment to this post. Any medium is fine, any length/size is fine - a 3-sentence fic or a 30-second doodle or something so huge and amazing that it will absorb our attention for the entire rest of the month, it's all good. All I'd ask is that a) you abide by the prompter's Do Not Wants, if there are any, and b) if you're posting a really huge pic, wider than 1000px, you link it rather than post it directly as page-stretchings would make it hard to read fic fills :/
-If you're still working on a fill for one of the prompts on the list of orphans, keep going! Let me know if you want me to take it out of the list so's to reserve it for your own exclusive fillage. Post your gift in a new entry once it's ready. But if you want to give up your struggle and amnesty any part-finished fic drafts or sketches here on this thread, go for it.
-Conversely, if you've already said you're working on a late fill but you also want the prompt you're working on to be added to this meme, please let me know. It's not an either/or thing. An unfilled prompt can get some fills here and a proper shiny late fill from you in a few days/weeks if you like.
I've made one judgement call in this regard and added the prompt submitted by
otaku_mk_ii to the list of orphans, but, again, I'll take it off the list if the orginal filler gets in touch and requests its removal.
-Please be ctrl+f-friendly and put the username of the intended recipient somewhere obvious - in the subject line or near the top of the post or whatever.
-THERE ARE NO RULES. You can fill prompts even if they've been filled already, you can do multiple fills for the same prompt - you can fill your own prompt if you really want to!
Suze (
sarshin) wants:
Ivan Raidenovich Raikov/Psycho Mantis. Yes, I'm serious, and I'll take it any way you can give it.
Kat (
kalte_atron) wants:
My fav. crack pairing in fic/art form. Sniper Wolf/MGS4!Meryl
Does not want:
Noncon or guro
Dona (
dnalysis) wants:
Draw (or write!) me something with Raiden and Hal and the parrot; doesn't have to be sexual at all (actually, I would prefer if it's not). Feel free to toss in any other characters, I'm not that demanding. I do this for fun
[Mod note: this is a gen prompt, not a slash prompt.]
Jessica (
stupahnumber1) wants:
Naomi and Sniper Wolf bullying Otacon
Does not want:
Nudity D:
Jeannie (
otakujeannie) wants:
Vamp/The Fear, Tongue battle
Chinami (
poison_chinami) wants:
Para-Medic/Nastasha done in the style of Big Boss/Ocelot. I would like them to be both soldiers and the same age as BB and Ocelot, respectively. I would like for the to have the mannerisms of Big Boss and Ocelot but their original personalities.
[Mod note: this prompt was originally based on the MerylGearSolid AU at
fissionmailed, but if you're not familiar with that AU you can just fill it based on any premise you come up with.]
prospectkiss wants:
SnakexOtacon. Must include porn. (Aren't I so original?) I'm easy to please, so be as creative as you'd like! I don't care if it's MGS, MGS2, or sometime between them or after. I'd prefer not to have MGS4 SxO.
Does not want:
Eh, just no MGS4 SxO. It depresses me, lol.
Saph (
saphrawn) wants:
I'd like some Big Boss/Snake, but I'm really, really not picky about how you set it up -- it doesn't even have to be outright romance. I just want something involving those two; no matter if you make it about them being secret lovers during their FOXHOUND time or if it's MGS3 Big Boss and MGS4 Old Snake pime taradoxily chilling out together. Smut is very much appreciated, but again, not required.
Does not want:
Please don't push up the incest angle. I mean, including Big Boss's guilty feelings over Snake not knowing he's his clone or referencing the whole HOMG CLONEDAD thing in narrative is fine, but don't have them yell DAD and SON at each other during sex. In short, I don't want emotional incest
Jessa (
celesjessa) wants:
Does not want:
Hardcore sex. (for fics, not as big of a deal, but for art I’d prefer no (visible) genitals. Nakedness barely covered by a cleverly placed arm or leg is A-OK! I prefer more PG-13 kind of stuff.
Naoquid (
scribblenautics) wants:
Liquid/Otacon fluff. As Liquid is involved, shirtlessness on one (or both) is very welcome.
Does not want:
Nothing too explicit. Keep it PG-13ish, please?