Dec 13, 2005 17:09
Go to your Calendar and find the first entry for each month of 2005. Post the first line of it in your journal, and that's your "Year In Review."
January: Although I'm really grateful to be alive and able to experience everything, in the big scheme of things, whats the point? I'm jealous of my dog too sometimes.
February: There's this feeling when you make eye contact with someone that you know the exact dynamics of your relationship or potential relationship with them. I don't even mean sexually or romantically necessarily but just in general. There's a reason I'm saying this but I don't feel like explaining it, except that timing is weird and I believe in something, I just dont know what yet.
March: I feel like I should update but I don't really have anything to say; like bryan, things are good. I've been content.
April: I think it is nice when boys who are just friends call you beautiful casually.
May: Today I had the BEST adventure.
June: YO PLANETS, get your shit together
July: didn't update
August: I went to see a psychic today-- no, I'm not going to have 6 children and no, I'm not going to be married by 23, but thanks.
September: Dear God, Thank you for making me small. And for other stuff I'm not going to write here. That's all, Mallory
October: boysarewack
November: Thanks, Dad.
December: So I've caught the bug and have been sick since Wednesday.
This is a pretty heinous year in review considering it reveals pretty much nothing. I'll attempt to be somewhat more insightful come end of December.