F the CC - Joe Biden's F-Bomb

Mar 25, 2010 01:17

So the Vice President of the United States of America said "Fuck". On the air. Twice.

Big fucking deal.

I've been prodded by a few people about this, so here's my 90 second commentary:

Joey-B dropped the F-Bomb twice during daytime programming hours (well outside the 10pm - 6am "Safe Harbor" for cussing up a storm on the air).

The last time I checked the FCC was to levy a fine of $7000 for each violation (i.e. every time a word slips out over the air), scalable up to $32500 based on other factors, like a history of prior infringements (and we clearly have at least two violations here).

So I have a few quetions.

  1. Is the FCC going to fine all the broadcasters who carried this speech live-live (no delay) and/or those who carried it with a net & failed to hit the bleep button fast enough?
  2. Is the FCC going to fine either Joe Biden (personally) or the US Government (as an entity) for producing/distributing profane material?
  3. Will we ever get rid of our nation's irrational fear of the word FUCK and the sight of breasts?
... seriously folks, it's just a word. Get over it and move on.

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