New post (Free Tommy) has been published on I had a real pleasure of attending another demo organised and run by Tommy Robinson supporters. This time they gathered in Central London to demand the release of Tommy Robinson from prison and to show their support to Donald Trump. I am glad that I have attended, when Trump said that British people like him, I was not sure who he was talking about - now I have got an idea. What was interesting is that this time they had so many concerns about people taking their pictures. I barely took my first shot when I been stopped and asked who I am working for. I have been questioned constantly over and over. Clearly, they did not like people with cameras, but I can not say they were aggressive or were threatening me in any way. One of them tried to help me with arguing my case - since last time they marched for the freedom of speech I should be allowed to take any picture I want. This event was planned as a peaceful demo, but they had lots of issues with controlling their members - there been small fights from time to time.
Once I have been asked why you taking pictures of this, cannot you take pictures of a peaceful demo? Mate, a peaceful demo is boring, replied I, I need some actions to shoot something interesting. I do not need to tell you what I heard back :)
Covering my camera with the flag - cannot complain much, a lot worse could have happened, but it has not, and I am thankful for that. But guys, last time you were so passionate about freedom of speech - what happened since? A couple of protesters were cooperative when I was taking their pictures and on my "thank you" I was receiving a friendly reply - really was pleased with them.