Jul 23, 2007 19:52
So....I am home from Denver.
Once again I had luggage PROBLEMS!!!!
The bag finally got there friday night after dinner!
I had some good times & some realizations....
Good times....Dinner Friday night was great! It felt like old home weekend...W/we sat around the table & talked about the good times we have had together & about new things we are doing. Towards the end of dinner (I guess we were having tooooo much fun)because the bartender had to come investigate ....now mind you we had taken a table outside to be away from the crowds & so we could add to the group as needed, also immediate seating.
The Lady commented later how the 2 men having dinner at the next table got an earful!
Oh well....W/we had fun!!!
I went to a few workshops due to being just an attendee. I enjoyed Lo's Poly workshop, had a great time helping Mark F. look for stuff to teach with due to his luggage getting lost(I know the real story but I will leave it at that to protect the innocent)LOL...oh there are no innocents left!
Hmmm....I found Cleo's workshop interesting, have never been to her workshops before. I did go to Mr. Townsend's ask the presenter workshop, I had a chuckle watch a few FTM/Dykes/bi-sexuals give an unknowing Straight Dom male a really hard time about a comment he made.
I wont go into details but I could have seen that one coming a mile away!LOL
I didnt get to all the workshops I wanted to....but that often happens with 9:30am classes! I value sleep toooo much!
I had a wonderful day with my boy including getting to have my fav. boots done by him!!!!Thank you, paksen, they looked great afterward!
I must say....my boy has grown up!
Not only does he carry himself more like a man in the world but he acts like it. I only get to see him a few times a year but wow....he is not a little boy anymore. If I havent said it lately....I am proud of you, paksen.
As for The Lady & cru they vended & did a good job with little help from me!
I guess I am not as indispensable as I like to think....but it was nice this morning when the Lady in a quiet moment told me thank you for helping to get them packed to go home....& the happy look in cru's eye because the Major got his pillow packed for him.
I am very blessed!
Sometimes I just need to get out of my head & allow those that love me to do for me. Even though it is hard to change ones nature as a wise boy once told me.
Well thats enough for now...back to work tomorrow...yuck!