May 21, 2007 17:24
Well....i guess the old saying is true....when it rains, it pours!
i went with the Lady to the dentist today because She is afraid of them, & i have a new chip in one of my teeth.
So after an examination & x-rays we found out i have 2 chips, 1 cavity, & old age gingivitis...(which means i need a DEEP cleaning & scaling), an old root canal is getting infected & will need to be re-done.
Thankfully i have good insurance & can afford everything....but Holy crap!!!!
Those of you that know me know i take fairly good care of my teeth.
This all happened in the last year or so....what the crack?
i even gave up smoking.....which they say is the worst for your i get this? just doesn't seem fair!!!
Oh other news....i quit drinking carbonated beverages!
It has been like 2weeks now....i haven't given up caffiene.
So Tea is my beverage of choice now.
What is the world coming to? monica with no cigs & dt. coke?