Drabble: The Sweetest Mead of All

Nov 10, 2008 20:22

Title: The Sweetest Mead of All
Ratings: G
Warnings: Alcohol Use
Word Count: 820
A/N: I wrote this for TTB I Challenge Thee - November. Inspirations of Hufflepuff challenged me to write “I Challenge Thee, Teh Ebil One, to write a drabble about Ron ordering drinks from Rosmerta. He must embarrass himself (up to you how), and Rosmerta should somehow mention her favorite mead in it somewhere.”

Tentative as Draco was to enter the Three Broomsticks given his actions in sixth year towards the barmaid, he really wanted a drink; however, he pushed the door open and strode forward with failing courage. He had avoided Hogsmeade weekends during his repeat seventh year at Hogwarts, and said pub, as much as he could. And when he was lured out of the dungeons, Draco opted to instead meet his chums in the Hog’s Head for a pint or two. However, it seemed that bad luck was on his side today. The sole time that Draco chose to venture into Hogsmeade, on his own, he found his place of reprieve closed. Aberforth Dumbledore, proprietor of the aforementioned shady business, decided to take an extended holiday.

Welcome to the Hog’s Head
Unfortunately for you we’re closed.
Come back in a month.
Leave my goat alone.
Aberforth D.

Draco had wanted to hex the sign and the goat. But the goat gave him the stink eye and if there was one thing Draco had learned from the giant oaf who taught Care of Magical Creatures it was that you don’t mess with animals without facing repercussions.

Instead he automatically walked to the Three Broomsticks, too late realizing that he couldn’t really go in, but did.

As soon as he entered, Draco noticed the place was full and he’d have to sit at the counter if he wanted a drink. He almost turned around and walked out but was pushed roughly by the person who came in behind him.

Turning around to glare at the person, Draco raised his brow as soon as he realized Ron Weasley was the one who had shoved him. The redhead looked at him questioningly.


“Weasley,” he muttered with an acknowledging nod, turning around and moving determinedly to the free counter space he spotted, hoping to lose Weasley in the process. Draco hadn’t forgotten the punch to the face he had received from the other boy, or the black eye he sported for weeks thereafter. Unfortunately, for Draco, the fates had it out for him because moments later, Weasley sat next to him.

Draco was a bit at a loss on how to order from Rosmerta so he sat there staring into space, waiting and hoping she wouldn’t recognize him and kick him out. As he sat there, he noticed Weasley throwing him odd glances from the corner of his eye.

“What Weasley?” he sneered

“Nothing, Malfoy. Just odd that you’d be here of all places,” signaling the barmaid to come over.

Draco shrugged. He watched, however, in stony silence, as Rosmerta didn’t even give him a second glance, quickly taking down Weasley’s order and walking away. Sighing, Draco didn’t even bother with waving down the older woman. He had his response: he wasn’t welcomed.

As he made to leave, Draco suddenly felt a hand on his arm. Turning around slowly, Draco noticed the freckles first and the fine red hairs second.


“Malfoy,” the other boy replied, motioning for him to sit. He sat. He stared blankly as the other boy swallowed a double-shot of firewhisky. He scowled. Weasley glared at him.

“Hermione broke up with me,” he blurted out all of a sudden. His cheeks tinged slightly red from the sudden alcoholic intake.

“I’m surprised she stayed this long with you,” Draco responded.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Look, Weasley, I don’t know why you stopped me from leaving this deplorable establishment, seeing as we’re not friends, other than to tell me that Granger broke your heart, which I really could have gone without knowing.”

Weasley narrowed his eyes before signaled for Rosmerta a second time. She sauntered over and smiled at him.

“What can I do for you, Ronald?”

“I’d like another shot of firewhisky, Rosmerta. I’m nursing a broken heart. And get the Ferret here anything he wants. It’s on me.”

“I’m flattered, Weasley but I don’t need your pity,” Draco replied.

“Now you sit down, young man,” Rosmerta answered sternly. Draco sat, glumly. “I’ll get you some of my favorite braggot, you look like you need a stiff drink but don’t think I’ve forgotten what you did to me two years ago you prat. And you,” she barked turning to the Weasley, “Why I ought to Floo your mother and tell her how you’re drinking your heart ache away when there’s plenty of eligible young women out there. No more firewhisky for you. Here’s a butterbeer,” she finished ranting, popping open the cork of a bottle. She glared at both young men and then walked away.

Draco sniffed the honey and malt mead. Enviously, he eyed the butterbeer the Weasley was drinking quite rapidly.

“You know that’s not going to get your drunk, right?” Draco mocked him while taking a sip of his drink. Weasley shot him a dark look.

Draco smirked. At least he could still get under Weasley’s skin.

x-posted to ron_draco - Here
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