Aug 30, 2005 16:28
On Saturday I went to a job fair for Raytheon fully expecting it to be a waste of time. In fact, I didn't even wear my suit because I was not motivated enough to iron a dress shirt to go with it.
I stood in the software line for about 2 hours feeling pessimistic about how oversaturated the market has become with CS majors. I finally talked to someone at the end about my interests and experience. Then he told me about what they had available along those lines and I became interested. He asked if I would wait for guy 2 to come back from break. I did. Then guy 2 took me outside of the main room to talk where it was quieter. We talked probably about 45 minutes. Then he said "I'd really like for you to come for an on site interview. Can we set that up? Let me go talk to guy 1" I agreed. When he returned about 20 minutes later he said "You know what, we feel fairly confidant that you're a good match. I'm going to make you an offer. How much do you make?". He took me over to some room and introduced me to HR rady and within 30 minutes I left with an official offer letter. I was in shock.
The commute will be 15 minutes versus the hour+ I have now.
The work is all new development in image interpretation - something I've been very interested in since grad school.
The pay is 10.7% more.
I decided to accept. Talked to my manager today for 2.5 hours - he was very understanding and said many nice things that made me feel teary. I feel very sad about leaving. I've never left a job by choice before.
I'm also excited and nervous about the new position.