Oh, look! Memes from, like, AGES ago.
The first is the Give Me Five Words Meme. If you want Five Words, let me know and I'll give them to you.
These are from
shay_renoylds Sam: Oh, Sammy. I can totally identify with Sam. From the beginning of season one to the end of season four Sam has changed so dramatically, and yet he is still the same at his core. He's stubborn, intractable, smart, clever, confused, changeable, passionate, sincere and so many other adjectives. Sam has a light inside him that Dean has never failed to see. He is good and light and, despite what Sam thinks of himself, he is pure. He got lost somewhere along the way, and it was hard for him to find his way back. But he did. Sam has a light inside him that Dean has never failed to recognize. He is good and pure despite what he thinks of himself. I absolutely adore Sam. And I absolutely adore the relationship between Sam and Dean, ever changing as it is. And my GOD, have you seen his hands? They're HUGE!
oil: Well, depending on what kind of oil you're speaking of, this can be good or bad. Scented oil are awesome. I love Egyptian Musk, Rose, Lavender, and most other light, airy scents. (Egyptian Musk is neither light nor airy, but I love it and it loves me. It is my scent.) Oil, as in Big Oil, Oil for cars, Oil from Texas/Saudi Arabia et al, well, that's a different story. I think our dependence on oil is a bad thing. We need to put more effort and money into finding alternative energy sources. The greed surrounding oil and the oil business makes me sick.
incense: Mmm... incense. I've recently not been burning much incense. Which is sad. But they now have all the awesome oil diffusers which cut out the smoke associated with incense. I love my Nag Champa, though. And I've not been able to find that in oil diffuser form. There's something kind of mystical and ancient about burning incense. Either in stick, cone or rock form, incense makes me feel magical and old.
food: I LOVE FOOD. Food is good. Correction: I love GOOD food. I can't really cook good food, but I sure as hell try.
free-hug-day: I believe that every day should be free-hug-day. Everyone deserves hugs. We shouldn't wait until someone is down or hurting to offer our bodies and souls in a hug. When I was younger I hugged everyone I met. I'm not sure when I stopped that habit, but I think I should get back to it. It's so weird today, with everyone and their perception of personal space. I completely respect personal space; it's important to have some kind of barrier, but we need to be connecting more than we do. We need to feel and understand that these bodies, these corporeal things that tie us to the ground, are only temporary. I think when people hug, I mean really hug, we connect on a more spiritual level and can feel the essence of each other. Think about it; think about the last person you hugged. Think about how the press of your bodies together made you feel. Think about how the connection between you strengthened in that moment. Hugs are awesome. More people should hug. So keep this in mind when I meet you. There will be hugs.
Meme No. 2! From
Leave me a comment and I will give you a letter.
Then, write 10 things that you love starting with that letter.
Post the list in your journal.
Give out letters to your commenters in return.
insaneboingo gave me P.
Papa Winchester - okay, I totally cheated on that one. ^_^.
People on my flist - that's a cheat too! heee
Pussy cats - technically... cheating.
In other news:
I have decided I'm going to be
Bellatrix Lestrange for at least one night at Dragon*Con. I've already started assembling the costume.
I have ordered the necklace:
And just in cast that is too small, I also ordered this:
which I can paint silver or possibly find silver leaf and guild it. Is it still called guilding if you're using silver??
I've also ordered this wig in black:
Wavey Showgirl. I'll have to use some gray hairspray and tease the hell out of it, but I think I can make it work.
You guys... I am SO excited about this costume. It's going to be EPIC! Now... I have to figure out how I'm going to make that waist cincher corset. I actually found a site that a girl did outlining the steps she took to create the corset. Hers turned out really well, so if I can't find something comparable for cheap, I'll just end up doing what she did.
So yeah. BELLATRIX! This is gonna be so cool.
And finally!
So some of you know I applied to the radiology tech program at my local community college. I was pretty sure I had an awesome chance at being accepted. Well, today I received a letter in the mail saying that I had been denied acceptance into the REGISTERED NURSE PROGRAM. I didn't apply to the Registered Nurse Program! WTF? So I made phone calls - but being Saturday, no one was available so I left messages. And I sent emails. And Monday I'm going to make more phone calls and go down to the school if I have to. If I don't get into this program because THEY fucked up... Dude. Hell hath no fury. Srsly. NO FURY HATH HELL!
Now I think I might try to write some. I KNOW! Crazy. But I'mma try.