So over the next week or so I am going to be posting entries all about this journal and various things. Ranging from defining momments in my personality to some of my funniest posts and such. Today is one all about conventions and my reports of them.
Before I go on, remember my new journal is
princess_mark and this one will be deleted just before my USA trip, so my first post in my new LJ will be my USA update. So make sure you go and add me, as I am only adding those who add me, just as a way of knowing who wants to friends etc.
So now onto the post!
These cuts are pretty big so I have tried to seperate them, a short analysis is below each one after the cut.
Minami....what a weekend...hehehe
With no money i still came back with a few of which i think i lost..and its my cosplay award prize too...
But..ya know what, no matter how much good stuff happened to me this weekend..and no matter how hard i try..i cant seem to feel happy...
Ya know me, I live by my Motto "No Regrets!"...i cant help but regret so many things... sure if your a casual reader of my LJ can guess who its about..heh
Ive been through alot really...i can admit that, which i never have done before i just pass it off usualy, just say to myself no, your being stupid blah blah blah...but i have been through stuff...
I mean, first With teags there was the whole Rich/Me thing, and then there was the fact i was worried i had hurt her and stuff...and
Now i know shes hurt, and i know she is lost....and i know that i havnt helped.
I would go into details but i havnt got long, and...well i dont know how write it, sure i could just blab on about what happened..but...i just wanna write what i feel...not what happened....
Do you know what it feels to have somebody recoil from your touch?
Do you know what it feels to have somebody turn away from your gaze?
Do you know what it feels to have somebody feel so lost and hurt....because of what you feel?
I still love her ya know, me and lat discussed it...i can still think about her and smile my face off....but it just a smile anymore, i still cry...i cry cos...cos i guess theres a strand of hope there...
GAH its like Emily, i was so upset over things..but she said I still care about you mark..and i hung onto that, that strand didnt last. Hey but im not having a go at em, i mean of course thats how she felt, i helped her get with seb and i couldnt be happier...
But im doing the same again...Teags dosnt know what she wants, shes hurt...and i think i know why. This actualy came from a wise and good friend...
"I think she does like you mark, i can see it...but, i think theres some feelings for somebody else in her too...they may be strong, or not, they may be old wounds reopened..or a fresh person she just met...but stay strong man, keep the love in you and even if things dont work out, then take that love and shape will be needed later on in life"
They were right....i know it
Im pretty sure she is very defensive and reluctent to be around me because of either
1) Dom, theres something in her about dom, its evident in her LJ and stuff....i totaly understand tho..its hard to forget the ones u love.
2) A new person she spent alot of time with at Minami, they were very similar, he mad eher laugh and smile...something i dont think i ever did once at minami.....which hurt me bad.....
I mean, theres also the fact that she dosnt feel so strongly about me as i do her, and im pushy git too hehehe, i admit it, its a character flaw..i wanna stop it..but i never do....
I guess im just hurt...hurt because theres hope.
Im gonna giver her some space from me, i think she needs that..and deserves it.
I hope she dosnt return the ring i gave her, and i really hope she dont throw it away...that would really kill me inside...and if it probably go and top myself insted....
I'll post more on this in the next couple of days, im kinda getting upset i wont continue...heres 2 life lessons for you
1) Sometimes its good to cry, even if its just to yourself
2) You are alive today for a reason, insted of thinking your pathetic try and find a positive reason for being here and live it....
Im here to make people happy...and no matter what tears form behind these eyes, my smile will be there....this i worked out when i saw how many people care about me, i wont let them down...!
Wow, what an angsty teenager was I, I realise now that I put a lot of pressure of poor ole Teagan during these times, and my spelling was also AWFUL look at all those uncapticalised I's, hideous I say! Such an attention seeking entry as well as Teagan could easily of read this! Tsk tsk little 2003 Mark, you were a bad boy!
I owe all of you, here in my journal, this explanation as to why...Im not gonna be around awhile...
I love
Thank you, All of you for your words and friendship...But i cant give you mine for a while.
Well hot damn its even worse! Look at that classic emo "Im sorry....goodbye!" and that isnt a miscopy, I really did just go "I love" and then obviously didnt type the rest. WHOOPS kind of ruins the emo effect huh? In case your wondering this was after me and kat had a big argument at Ayacon, I ende dup being awake for like 49 hours straight and didnt eat during that time. By the time I got home I was in a very depressed mood to say the least. Still on reflection I now see that the whole thing was my fault anyway so I didnt really have a right to be moody about it. Heres a lesson for you couples, if your other half chooses to be with you, accept that fact and trust them. Jealousy and insecurity dosnt get you shit and makes you emo like this!
Friday: After getting lost, and singing in the car with dad i finaly arrived at the glorious Novotel in Southhampton. The first thing to happen was being glomped by Weez, which was good cos i needed to put my stuff in hers and Kneebs room till James arrived. So after a few "HI's" and hugs and that we went and put stuff in room, as well as see toms masquarde costume completed.
Yadda Yadaa Yadaa, Huged alot and saw peeps then james arrived, so we sorted out kit, went to BnB, saw Masquarde costume and stuff then came back from BnB, and i got changed into Cosplay
Hair worked better then i thought, not 100% accurate but that was impossible. From there I came down to an excited barry who yelled BOMBER! at me, and took photos of coolness! If you sort those out barry PLEASE send them to me!
Soon after i spotted somebody whom i first branded as Nearly Naked Girl! Who was cosplaying Sasuke Sexy no jutsu, which was great! Lots of other cosplay about too, shame hardly anybody knew me.
Later I asked "Nearly Naked Girl" her name and found out she was called Kaz :D
Spoke to kat, Amy and all the other people I missed, as well as just chillin out being Basara and cool, i went and sat with Ste, Ian, Clare, Karen etc and created...... THE G SONG!
The G Song was also heard by kaz and chums and became a good reqonition factor of me.
After all that the party began and I started by having a dance off with Ste, Which I won, and then proceeding to scare people by being crazy dance man. Occasionaly went and danced with Kaz, and sometimes with Ste, and once Jazz and it was good.
Got knackered sat around and chatted with people i hardly ever speak to anymore, and even got a chance to sit and chat with Ami and Teags, before running off to fuck my voice over by singing Dynamite Explosion stupidly loudly and doing the screech.
After this partaying I went and started talking to random people, and found myself in Kaz's circle of chums chatting away, Before I knew it all that was left was Me, Kaz, Mike (Nabeshin dude), Lat, Lubey, and some random lady. We spent the entire night talking crap and doing crosswords.
Saterday: As I didnt sleep friday crossed to saterday, I went back to the BnB and had Breakfast, and went back to Nami, from there I spent the day chatting with folks, eatting etc...all the random con crappage. Most of saterday was spent dealering with Tak and Ami. That was alot of fun and made lots of people buy things.
MASQUARDE¬ It simply rocked, I didnt get to see it but the costume entered looked amazing. I was so proud to be part of a Wessex Anime skit... I was afraid my costume would let them down, as all the others were so good... I hope my acting and stuff made up for it. But yeah it ruled...Goodbye Kitty is a new Mascot for Minamicon 10
Saterday night, I fell asleep on Kaz and was shocked to know people took pictures of me asleep! We spent the rest of the night talking to random people, throwing fat patamon plushies and being afraid of various things. Kaz you KNOW what im talking about! :P
We had a really nice time together both nights, just chatting and getting to know each other alot better... It made me put alot of things into perspective.
Anyway, We got kicked out of bar area for the cleaner, and i said goodnight to kaz.
She really did make those 2 nights especialy cool, she says it was her pleasure, i still say it was mine :P
Sunday: I manged to get 2 hours sleep at the BnB and had Breakfast again, went back to Minami for a cleanup day, mixed with chilling and variousness.
It was chill out day and I spent most of it relaxing on a sofa thingy with kaz and everybody around talking bout Con-age! It was a nice day though, I just had such nice company ;)
It was sad saying goodbye again, specialy to Kaz who really did become a fast and close friend over the con, as well as saying bye to Clare and Ste and Weez and James and all those I miss all the times im not with them! Worst is I wont see alot of you till August :(
Went home with Emma and two of her chummys, and had a lovely ride home to!
All in all, the BEST con ive been to.
Such great company, such great events, such great connage!
It was a mega blast, and Im suffering Post-Con depression for the first time since Aya 2002 :( I miss everybody, and certain folks even more.
I wanna be at Minami again and forever!
Ahhh see now we are getting there, I remember this con pretty well. Especialy thanks to the skit and Kaz and whatnots. It was a good year and this was the year where Basara beat DEVILMAN at a dance off! Wins for me! I start growing up and learning to leave the tears behind the scenes here.
Amecon) A fantastic con, Id say 2nd best of the year. First place going to Minami 10 which I enjoyed muchly! Though this came a very very close!
One cosplay, no dealer room money, barely enough for food. It was a tight con but there was enough to keep me happy.
Masquarde was fun. And despite some cues for music and such being messed up I hope my performance was enjoyed. I know some of the Macross fans founds it alot funnier then the rest, simply due to it being about Basara looking like a twat.
Also earnt a new title of "THAT DANCING GUY" ahhh the joys of cosplaying character nobodys heard of, and the joys of nobody knowing who the hell you are!
Kat see your LJ for a message from me about the Masquarde Wait
Costumes all round (from people I know cos im evil and only care about my friends and loved ones) Some excellent work there my chums!
Fantastic costumes all round Im thinking.
Karen and Clares BIRDS OF DOOM were rocking. Lauras various Yunas! and Rena!
Kat and Amy with their Magna cartttaaa! As well as Excel (still havnt seen) and FMA (still havnt seen)
OH. Karen and Clares SC2, I LOVED those! So cool!
Misato-laura's Mermaid of SPARKLY BRA! I mean Full Mermaid tail, is preeety rocking!
Helens Itachi just because it was well made and he is SOOOOOOO COOOOOOOL and the HAT the hat ruuled girl!
James's Gippal! As well as the return of Boboboboboboobobobobobo of d00m!
Shit there are SO many! Fuck it!
You ALL ruled for one reason or another! I just cant think of zem all!
One of my fave nights was saterday, Pizza, mocking of the gackt film. MUCH talk of FFXI! (which im buying if my PC runs it) Various coolness. Capt Conbook!
Talking about DBZ the Musical with Helen and Katie
BTW, katie have a lovely time in CANADAAAAAAAAAA!
Helen....have a lovely Cambridge? (hahahah I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE!)
OMG i Cant believe I got a runner up place! WTF?1!? Wooooo it was coloured whoopdeeshitdame! It was crap! jazz SO should of won that rather then me!
BAH! Stuuuuuuuupid!
Anyway where was I. Amecon! right yes!
Karaoke was good, We have so many talented singers in the Uk Anime scene. Im glad i FINALLY got up and did a bit of solo singing. I may be shit, but If I dont practice I wont get good. So I just gotta keep trying!
All in all it was a fantastic con, really enjoyed myself! Really glad I went!
It was fantastic seeing alot of people again, people I otherwise wouldnt of seen if I hadnt gone.
Kat, Amy and the other salisbury crew. Seeing Clare (YAY) Dan and Lisa (Damn you for your FFXI goodness!) Lat, Perrin, Ami! tak and Choco!
Ahhhhh good times!
Again a cheerful post, shame I seem to be very excited and thus MANY spaces. And much use of OMG and LOL ROFL WTF BBQ etc. Lots of In-Jokes here BTW so don't worry if it dosn't make much sense.
Grease is the word!
The show nights have been amazing, While thursday lacked compared to wensday, Friday was possibly one of the best shows ive ever given, absolutly fantastic, my whole family was proud of me, and even my brother said that I had done really well, which knowing my brother is something to be proud of!
We wernt without falws, but hey thats what happens, and the injokes and pranks were kept to a reasonable level, so it was all good.
My performance was the best ive done, My song the best ive ever sung it. It was one of the proudest momments of my life and even Anthea my singing teacher said how proud she was of me! (especialy after I hit that top G we had been working on for ages ^^...At least I think it was a Top G, I may be wrong)
Im hoping to get some of the photos people took and Ill host em somewhere and post a couple!
I hated missing Minami that year but Grease was awesome in itself and stopped me from getting too down about it. 2005 was the year I didnt get to goto any cons, but then hey I had a job coming and whatnots so I guess its ok! :P
Finally, my last con report in mg_mark the Minami just gone. This is another long one, but if you were there its a nice read, and I know I liked reading my shoutouts again, brought back some tears and smiles my end I tell you!
This was SO big and the comments played such a huge part I thought I would just LINK to it instead! So there you have it folks, a rundown of my con reports (or close too) over the years mg_mark has been running. You can see me grow up in these posts I think, its interesting to say the least.
One thing is for sure, my last entry in this journal, which will be the week before I goto USA, will be a massive shoutout to all my friends on the Journal and around me as a big goodbye.
Catch you later crazy cats, enjoy the MASSIVE read.