Jan 22, 2005 11:17
so, yesterday i came home around 3 to eat, and get my stuff together, then i went over jesses. i was there with him and matt till around 515 (we watched live green day videos from like 1992 and ate jesses vegetarian chicken stuff which actually tastes like chicken!) when jared got there. we packed the stuff and got on the road.
so were cruising down 128 north, right about to hop onto the mass pike to go to the show in worcester, when jared switches into the middle lane, and we miss the exit (matt and jesse were in matts car and made it). so we were like 'fuck!' and we had to sit in rush hour traffic for 15 mins until we got off in waltham and got back onto 128 going in the opposite direction, towards the pike. so we finally get on the pike around 6. we were told to be there before 630 and jesse and matt around about 10-15 minutes ahead of us. yadda yadda yadda, we get there around 7:05 and everythings fine that were late, no big deal. it was still fucking cold as hell and this club marque place is mad ghetto and was almost as cold inside as it was outside.
our setlist was:
it's not right (soundcheck)
fight the insecure
be the one
because of you
faulty foundation
feel to be
hey dad
the leaving song (jared only)
the stage is too small to move around on (although i did do a mad tyte jump off my amp at hey dad) but it was our best performance musically probably. lets just say... we were tight like a v!
afterwards we watched this wicked cool punk band play (who was basically rancid) and talked with them after about playing shows with us and well probably set something up with them and superhero letdown in the future. after that we met these cool dudes that were in the like metal band that was playing last. at that point, we were the only people in there besides the band and the few staff members. the band wasnt that good, but we stuck around til 1030 when it ended to be nice. so we loaded up, talked with lloyd (the guy that runs the shows and is giving us a chance-if he picks us- to play in europe) he told us that we definitely moved up a few notches in terms of the battle for the last spot on the trip, and he also said that he has a surprise for us when we do our second interview.
so we drove back, unloaded at jesses, then went to bickfords at around ohi dunno 11 something. chocolate chip pancakes! so we left, and jared drove me home and matt and jesse went their way. i got home right around 1. and i was still like shaking of cold and my toes were about to fall off, so i took a shower. and went to bed around 130.
yeah, its long, but i appreciate if you read and comment!