May 19, 2015 12:10
Realize you probably want to put it here as well, for future thoughts.
I grew up chubby and have had to deal with the things that got ingrained when I was a child. They were:
1. I was hungry, but wasn't allowed to eat between meals, so I was always sneaking food from the fridge anyway.
2. When we had meals, I would put food on my plate, but wasn't always sure how much I could eat, so I'd sometimes overdo it.
3. When I did slow down, I'd be told children in were starving, and to finish my plate.
4. I'd get shamed for putting on weight.
5. Repeat cycle.
I have real issues with passing up free food, not finishing my food, and feeling like I'm always doing it wrong. It's very very annoying.
The guilt at least never was about *what* was on my plate, although later there was a spate of diet/low fat/healthier food, although really the food originally wasn't that bad. I grew up with a normal dinner of protein, veggie, maybe second veggie or starch, rarely bread with dinner. Nothing was overly fatty or drowned in butter, it was all pretty healthy.