My followup sucks, innit? Also - RAMMSTEIN!

Feb 25, 2011 11:32

I get all bothered and post, then don't post again when things update. Blah.

Today I'm nervous as anything - and you would not believe it but Murphy just tried to make it worse! I'm nervous because Rammstein tickets go on sale at noon in Toronto and I'm parked here in front of my computer - and my UPS just DIED taking everything with it!

Thankfully I've got a longer extension cord, everything is on that now, but that was... nervewracking.

As for my last post about the eye trouble, it's most likely either internuclear ophthalmoplegia or skew deviation. I'm going to see the doc again end of March, it should be clearer which one it was.

But, yea. Rammstein tickets, oh I hope. I'm fully prepared to get shut out because there are a lot of other crazy people who also want tickets, but... hoping!
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