Ya bunch of fuckin pussies!

Oct 13, 2003 01:09

Well once again im going to update bout my ever so eventful day.,,I had school like always.,,finally decided to get my ass in gear and drop that fuckin chem class.,.,i didnt get any $$ back for it cuz i waited too long.,.,but its OK.,,I still gotta find out if i can keep the chem lab even tho i am no longer taking the chem class.,.hopefully they wont let me.,,but neway.,,.i came home and slept till bout 7:30 and then got up and took a shower and got ready.,.,went to Jadas *where im at at the moment* and fixed my hair and we headed off to Norton.,I called Jarrod before i left but he wasnt home, Granny said that he was goin to my house, but i knew that was total bullshit.,.,he really needs to stop lying to her soo much.,.,poor woman.,,.but neway.,,on tha way to town we saw him at the skank arcade.,,we tried blowing the horn and shit to get his attention but that didnt work.,.,Jada screamed at him but he said he thought she said "Jimmy!!".,,Ended up we had to go in there.,it was grand.,,.let me tell ya.,,.We left there after bout 5 minutes and went on to wally.,,Jada was all perky and excited to see Punkass BUT.,,Upon entering the double doors we were greeted by Debbie.,.,THis was no casual greeting, it was sum hell breakin news.,.,Come to find out.,,Punk had to help sum psycho girl carry a carseat out to her car.,,just bein the nice person that he is.,.,.God knows she couldnt carry it out by herself.,.,But, she sure didnt have a problem carrying the "old" one into the store to return it.,funny how those things seem to happen to Jada.,.,but neway.,,We finally ended up crossing paths with old punk..,and just let me say that it wasnt the prettiest things i have ever seen.,.,But i suppose it ended rather well.,.,We left wally and headed to Hardees so i could get the only lunch food on the menu..,a ham*n*cheese w/ onion.,.,it was yummy.,,.then Jada went to Taco Hell and we stoped at the texaco so i could get sum ketchup.,,.and we were off.,,on our way home..,,Coming up the 3-lane into town everyone kept flashin their lights at us.,.,and we had no clue what was goin on.,.,then all of a sudden.,,we ran upon this fuckin deer just makin itself at home right in the middle of the road.,,Jada then decided she was gonna slow down to about 25 to catch her breath.,.,NEWAY.,,we finally made it to her house..,ate our food.,.,smoked.,,and now here i am.,,but thats all i have to say tonight.,.,im out.,,
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