Does anyone want/believe "the boys" would want this? ("Hungry?" series?)

Nov 28, 2023 16:52

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Might be perfect for "date night", too.  Just keep the cats/dogs away from the table!

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pigshitpoet November 28 2023, 23:52:57 UTC
i love succulent roast
i'll convince the boys
needs some veggies, maybe roast potatoes or asparagus
or both?


sidhe_uaine42 November 29 2023, 01:07:36 UTC

He served his with green beans and potatoes au gratin (but you might've seen it already...)

I would add some carrots, as well, but that's just me...


pigshitpoet November 29 2023, 01:57:20 UTC
that sounds equally appealing
yours one day, mine the next
no leftovers ))


rhodielady_47b June 18 2024, 21:42:04 UTC

Asparagus on my plate wouldn't hurt my feelings at all and potatoes are always welcome.

Do you ever add onions to your mashed potatoes? I love them cooked like that.

(I have two packets of asparagus seeds that I plan on planting as soon as this current heat wave breaks. It grows easily from seed and you can harvest at least a little after the second year.)



pigshitpoet June 19 2024, 04:15:57 UTC
; ))

well we should try growing asparagus. we're growing everything else..

we too have a heatwave coming this week

catch you on the flip side !


rhodielady_47b June 21 2024, 00:58:22 UTC

BTW--you should try mulching with cardboard. It beats having to weed the garden!

I like to lay cardboard down first and then put leaves, grass clippings, or wood chips on top of it. That cardboard stops practically all but the toughest of the perennial grasses from getting through to the sun.

Good luck!



pigshitpoet June 21 2024, 22:43:13 UTC
we do that !!
our garden is sprouting in the sun
looking forward to a good harvest
all the best to you too!
; )

have you ever tried ground-rodding? you take a stick and wrap it with copper wire in a spiral
and stick it in the ground near the plants
said to grow bigger and give a greater yield
you take care.


rhodielady_47b June 22 2024, 21:22:01 UTC

They did a lot of research on using magnetic fields in and around gardens back in the 1950's. I saw a very brief mention of it in Organic Gardening magazine back in the days when it was still a serious magazine and not the fluffy junk that it is now. The problem was and still is I have NO IDEA who did that research back then OR where to go to look for the write-up on that research. I think it would make for some very informative reading!




pigshitpoet June 23 2024, 06:27:08 UTC
pigshitpoet June 23 2024, 06:30:16 UTC
not the one i saw, but this explains it


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