In this article I’ll try to summarize some thoughts of Russian fandom about Illya’s childhood, his family, his past in the USSR and his present status in his Motherland.
We had a big discussion about who could be Illya’s parents (if he had ones).
Vipera_Berus89 made a brief plan of it for you.
“There are three most distinctive trends as to Illya’s parents: his father could be military, engineers or work in scientific circles. Those who mentioned a mother generally agree that she could be a doctor or have an artistic profession (in general terms) - thus she might influence Illya’s love for books and music. Although other ideas have been voiced for her (an athlete, a teacher), and other family members have been mentioned, the discussion seems to revolve around a father rather than other relatives. The idea that Illya is an orphan is somewhat unpopular.
It proved rather hard not to stray away from the topic (family) to the political situation in the world in general, as well as history and other issues not immediately connected with the tv-show itself; and to keep in mind that the show never claimed to be a reliable source of political, social and cultural information))) Quite an important idea was presented: that the show-verse is, in fact, an alternative universe to what was really happen (with somewhat less political tension and more opportunities for international cooperation), thus explaining the inconsistencies in Illya’s canon background without getting too serious about it (and I believe if we do get too serious about it we might end up somewhere we shouldn’t be)))".
If we consider Illya to be an orphan: first of all it is important to remember that his childhood fell to the years of war. He was 10-11 years old when the war started. So if he was an orphan, or if he became an orphan during the war, or if he wasn’t orphan, anyway he had hard years during his childhood - cold, hunger and bombing.
Maybe during the war he was helping partisans and soldiers of the Red Army. NikaDimm writes: “There were cases of teenagers fighting in the war. They were called "Son of regiment" because mostly they were orphans who lost their parents in the war”.
Maybe Illya lost his father during the war. In this case it could explain why he grew up so responsible and why he has leadership potential as he had to take care of his mother and probably sisters from his early age as the only one male member of the family left. Some more information: many children who lost their parents were adopted by women who lost their husbands in war, or by comrade-in-arms of child's father. So if Illya became an orphan during the way, he didn't spend much time on the street. He either was taken to children's home or was adobted.
We have several points of view on the question how Illya managed to get such an excellent education and why he had an opportunity to study abroad. First, he was born in rather high rank and influential family. Not the very top of the society, not some member of Politburo which was the main ruling organ at that time but still enough to have a chance to provide exceptional education. And it was really necessary for him to begin studies at very young age to become such an educated person to his 30. Unless he’s some super-human (and we like to think that Illya and Napoleon are ordinary people and that’s what makes them so attractive to us). So if Illya was an orphan it was really 1 chance in a million that he would have ended up in Sorbonne and Cambridge.
One more argument for the theory that Illya is from good family is that he looks like a person who was much loved when he was a boy. He’s very self-confident, he’s aware of his worth, he’s not envious. He has equability of mind (is psychologically balanced) - thing that is hard to obtain if ones had some big drama in the childhood - as 2015 film Illya, for example. Old school Illya is indifferent to compliments and flattery, and it’s almost impossible to hurt his pride. Vice versa it is easier to imagine that Napoleon is the one who had some problems in his childhood, who had the lack of love. That’s why it is so important for Napoleon to know that he’s appreciated, that’s why he loves compliments and praise so much (he was so fond of being called the best agent), and that’s why he needs women' attention permanently.
As to Illya, he seems not to value compliments at all, and praise - only from the people significant to him.
Another point of view: if Illya was an orphan he could study in Suvorov Military School or Nakhimov Naval Academy. Suvorov schools were open in the USSR in 1943 especially for children who lost parents and other relatives in the war. Стриж writes: “Two Suvorov Military Schools were affiliated with NKGB (People's Commissariat for State Security)". This is probably where "Soviet spy schools" come from, though they did not train children as spies in these Suvorov schools. One important thing about these schools: their statutes were militarily strict, but it didn't mean that some phisical panishments or humiliation of cadets took place.
If Illya was a KGB agent he should be 1) the member of Communist Party (nonpartisan were not allowed to serve in KGB); 2) the best of KGB to be sent to UNCLE (as the representative of KGB and the whole USSR). He should be trusted man to be sent abroad to work for UNCLE. That is why he could not be dissident. If the USSR is one of the members of UNCLE, Illya couldn’t defect and go on working for UNCLE. It would be an offence for the USSR as the member of UNCLE. And he wouldn't have a chance to join any other security service probably so defection for him means losing his profession altogether. Besides if Illya inflicts shame on KGB by his recusancy, it is easy to imagine that some persons in KGB who supported him, who sent him abroad to work for UNCLE would lose their jobs, their positions in society and maybe even worse (but not necessarily). We think Illya would never set those people up. He’s not that kind of person.
To summarize this part of article it is important to say that Illya could travel back to the USSR freely enough and that he should not be afraid for his life there. Vice versa he should be considered there as respected and trustworthy man.
Thank you for your attention.